Wednesday, September 29, 2010

29 Sept - Borrowed 2 books

Went to the library today and borrowed 2 books. 1 on photography and the other on weight management. If I happen to come across something interesting, will definitely share with you guys. I hope to finish both books, honestly speaking, who actually finished their books before the due date. I wonder.

Breakfast - 1 glass of milk

Lunch - Had lunch a bit earlier than always, around 11:30, went Kopitiam. So had the healthier choice claypot toufu chicken.

Dinner - Bits and pieces here and there, not too much. Bread + toufu + 1 cup of milo. I have not had Shake for a while, cause menses is here, so wanna cut down as usually I mix some ices into it.

Activity - 1 hour aerobic with Lose to win, was confused about the moves, perhaps, the instructor is pretty new

I really dislike the menstruation period.
1) Hormones unbalance, end up, mood swing terribly
2) Keep wanting to eat more food
3) Menstrual cramps since young
4) Super uncomfortable, whether I am sitting down, standing up or lying down
5) Feel super heavy and weight don't come down no matter how much exercise you do

And this list goes on and on and on......

28 Sept - Gossip

It's a gossipy day, like I told you, I fought with a friend all thanks to Facebook. Sometimes I wonder, with all these advancement in technology, our privacy wall seems to get thinner. People get to know what we are doing when they don't even have to call you, just look at your Facebook and they will know everything. Scary.

Breakfast - Half a glass of milk, not in the best condition today

Lunch - Vegetarian

Was quite angry when I see this little bit of portion given by the auntie after I showed her my Lose to Win stamp card. I'm receiving 1/3 of what the other people are having and I pay the same price. I know I'm on a diet, but look at the picture, only 1/3 of plate is filled up lei. The vegetable are countable. I don't think this is the right way to diet. I may end up buying other food because this is too little. Hpm.. Next time, I am going to show her the stamp card only after I ordered the food.

Dinner - Ate a bit of home cooked food. In fact, I met up with friends to gossip about someone, I din eat with them, cause not feeling so good.

Activity - Rest! My whole body was aching from the Sunday and Monday exercise session.

Monday, September 27, 2010

27 Sept - Ugly photos, no intention to post it

It's a filling up form day, believe it or not, it took me almost a day to fill up 2 forms. What to do...

Breakfast - 1 pack of milo, had a few mouthful of moon river cake

Lunch - Heated up some leftover food from yesterday's BBQ session. Sizzling oily stuffs, pictures turned out to be pretty disgusting, so no pictures today

Dinner - Same, the leftover food, ha.

Activity - 1 hour of swim, mixture of both Frog and Free style, cold weather, but still shiok ar

Let's count down to lose to win 3rd assessment, 24th Oct, 27 more days to go. Olei, olei, olei, olei! Aiming for the top prize, going to chiong to Kopitiam to collect chops liao.

26 Sept - Out of breath

Hectic workout day, my schedule going crazy. Today was all about exercising and food-ing.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with half a piece of cheese

Lunch - Yong tau hu soup with less rice

Dinner - A little bit of BBQ food

Activity - Badminton session in the morning for 2 hours, 1 hour of Lose to Win exercise session in the afternoon

Celebrated ah gong's birthday at Uncle's place, so went over after the exercise session, was panting like hell when I was eating. The exercise session was 1 times tougher than what we usually do. But it's super shiok!

25 Sept - Boring Saturday

It was a boring day, nothing much to do. Just slack at home and wasting my life. I shall not do this again in future.

Breakfast - 1 piece of whole wheat bread with half a piece of cheese + half a cup of hot milo

Lunch - Roasted duck rice from Koufu, yummy

Dinner - Home cooked food, had a bit of rice with long beans + soya sauce pork @ around 7pm

Activity - Gym for 2 hours

Met cousin at Macdonald at around 10:45pm, was too bored at home. Boorrriinnnggg

Friday, September 24, 2010

24 Sept - Legend of the fist

Legend of the fist is a MUST WATCH! Had meeting in the afternoon, phew, luckily it's over.

Breakfast - Beard pa pa cream puff, nicey!!! Had been waiting for the whole night. Both chocolate and vanilla flavours are good, prefer vanilla still.

Lunch - 2 small bowls of maggie mee

Dinner - Had dinner @ 5 @ Hot Tomato, have been wanting to try this. However, it turns out to be OK only, a bit too oily. Shokudo is better.

Saw this on the way back home. Really cute!

Gotta head out to the gym tomorrow! Having a BBQ gathering with family on Sunday, sinful!

23 sept - Chiong artwork

Chionging day, gotta complete a visual for tomorrow's presentation. Cooked lunch, getting sick of outside food.

Breakfast - 1 pack of milo

Lunch - Porridge + cabbage + some other dishes leftover from yesterday's praying session.

Dinner - Same food, just had a bit of here and there.

Activity - Aerobic for 1 hour at 10pm! =S

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

22 sept - Happy lantern festival, please don't waste food

Happy lantern festival everyone! Hopefully everyone enjoyed your moon cakes, lantern and tea. Reminder: Please don't waste your food, there are trillions of people in the planet suffering.

Breakfast - 1 fried yam + 1 mouthful of bee hoon + 1 mouthful of noodle, yummy! Love the food cooked by ma, there were lotsa food cause of the praying session

Lunch - 1 bowl of bee hoon + 1 bowl of ba ku teh soup

Dinner - 2 pieces of sushi + 1 bowl of bee hoon + 1 bowl of ba ku teh soup

Yummy, love home cooked food.

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

So, you better stop wasting food ok!

21 sept - Right leg aching, why?

The back of my right leg aching, I wonder why. Was it because of the swim or the tea? I did not do any exercise today due to the aching.

Breakfast - Da da, the sushi I din get to eat last night

Aunt bought this from Giant, the rice turned hard after sleeping in the fridge for a night

Lunch - Duck + cha siew noodle, this taste like wanton noodle. I have phobia towards wanton noodle, cause ma ordered it every time we eat out when we were young. And this cost $5.50, believe it or not, it's sold at a neighbourhood Koufu.

Dinner - dead meat! ha ha, ate many pieces of roasted pork, few pieces of sushi and few mouthful of long bean.

Full of guilt! =) It's okay~

Monday, September 20, 2010

20 Sept - Rice

Breakfast - 1 piece of wheat bread and 1/2 piece of cheese + 1 apple

Lunch - Economic rice, auntie gave me too much rice, I did not ask for less rice, too greedy. Need to change the value for money mind set.

Dinner - 1 chocolate shake from Herbalife.

Activity - 1 hour of swim.

Take a look at this man,

Admire his determination! The same goes for losing weight.

19 September - Sleepy

Went out the past few days, so tiring. A bit lazy today.

Brunch - Yong tau hu soup @ Koufu

I cooked fried bee hoon with fried luncheon meat, cheese tofu for ma and pa. The bee hoon tasted awful. Lolx, I lost my cooking skills, it's all the assignments' fault, excuses. =P

Dinner - Had soup cooked by ma, yummy

Activity - 2 hours of gym, shiok ar

18 Sept - Workout

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - Had lunch late as well, but earlier than yesterday, ate at around 2plus. Nice food from Waraku except for the drink. Again, the three of us shared these food

Nice and salty noodle

Wanted to order Okomiyaki after the failed attempt yesterday. However, saw this cheese with potato and cheese and decided to give it a try. Nice one!

This is ichigu drink, whatever, is strawberry milk lor. Sound so sophisticated, costed us $4.8 lei. Faint.

Met up with friends at Marina Promotory to celebrate lantern festival.

Dinner - 1 apple

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

17 Sept - A very hungry day

Was really hungry today as we were waiting for Sis S to submit her assignment, only had lunch until 4pm. Moreover, me and Sis L waited at the pool for 45 mins for the lightning to stop, but it didn't. Terrible wait.

Breakfast - 1 pack of milo

Lunch - Lunch @ Ajisen, we shared the food

Quite a nice soft shell crab salad, a bit too salty though

Okomiyaki - look nice but taste awful, we asked the waitress to pack the remains and ask ma to give it to the strays at farm

This is quite nice, I think is because we were too hungry, so everything we ate taste nicer

Then we proceed to Taka for moon cake fest, wow, many many moon cakes. And many many people, wherever I stand, I seem to be blocking people, too huge liao =S

16 Sept - Duck noodle or mee pok soup

This is the nice custard bread from Giant I was talking about, yummy, had this for breakfast.

Lunch - Went to Gek Poh Shopping centre to have lunch, was choosing between duck noodle or mee pok soup. In the end, I chose the healthier one

Thursday, September 16, 2010

15 September - Wobbly legs

Finally finished my Stats assignment, sign, it's taking up a lot of my time to work on these assignments. I better learn how to schedule my time line the next round. Else, I might turn into a dead pig~

Breakfast - Bad memory, lack of sleep, need some time to recall, I think it's a pear

Lunch - Yong tau hu at Koufu, I better stop eating this before getting sick of it

Dinner - Two sushi, believe it or not, dropped one on the floor and left with two to eat. Miserable, my hands were shaking when opening the sushi, too hungry liao.. =S
Came home and ate two pieces of guava

Activity - 1 hour of Lose to Win aerobics, power man, having supper wobbly legs, however, seems to be fine when I woke up this morning

14 September - Chiong chiong chiong

I have been rushing my assignments for a few days, damn tiring, yesterday mark the end of my chionging days. Feeling really relieve...

Breakfast - 1 pear

Lunch - Economic rice

Dinner - 2 pears, 1 before my exercise session and 1 after

Have forgotten what other stuff I have eaten, cause it's two days back

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

13 Sept - Angry day

Sometimes, I really don't understand why the school make us talk to a computer. So weird. Anngry, stupid video and presentation, pointless.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - Yummy Lu mian from vegetarian stall

Dinner - 1 chocolate shake from Herbalife, am feeling hungry now.

Others - Banana + 2 pieces of chocolate + 1 mouthful of ice cream

Just feel very tired and angry, still got another ASS-ignment to rush, body aching like hell. Sigh.

12 Sept - Another tiring day

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - Yong tau hu soup

Dinner - Wedding dinner at hotel Rendezvous, horrible service standard. Haven't complete 1 meal then want to clear our plates already, don't know why are they rushing around like mad. Food was good though. Sigh.

Activity - 2 hours of badminton session with beloved friends. Very tired.

11 sept - Selemat Hari Raya

Breakfast - 1 pear

Lunch - Shared this bowl of Tom yam you mian soup with Sis S. From SIM, yummy, my favourite

A friend invited us to her place for celebration, went over and ate a bit here and there of cookies + malay food, yummy

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

It was a tiring but happy day

10th September - Lost memories

Totally forgotten what I have eaten. ha, pai seh.

Should be yong tau hu kueh tiao soup for lunch. The other two meals, gone with the wind.

Friday, September 10, 2010

9th Sept

Brunch - Fried vegetarian bee hoon, ask auntie to give me less bee hoon

Dinner - 1 pear + 1 piece of chocolate + 1 mouthful of ice cream + 1 bowl of golden mushroom soup + few mouthful of long bean

I divided my dinner into two parts, first at 5pm, second at 10pm after class. I intended to drink shake after class, but seems like there's quite alot of soup left behind, don't want to waste it.

Wanted to do aerobics, but was too tired and too full after drinking soup.

Other than the above, I'm also taking "Cell-U-Loss" tablets from herbalife. I take 1 tablet 30 mins before lunch.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

8 September

Brunch - Duck rice from Koufu, has been decade since I last had duck rice. ha ha

Dinner - 1 pear + 1 chocolate shake from Herbalife + 1/4 moon cake + 1 piece of chocolate

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Friday is a public holiday! =) But still have a lot of assignments to complete. =S

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

7 September - A sense of urgency

Breakfast - 1 pack of milo

Lunch - Pig organ soup with rice + 1 piece of moon river cake

Dinner - Home cooked golden mushroom soup + 1 pear + 1 piece of chocolate + 1/4 piece of Raffles hotel mooncake

The truffle champagne moon cake is fabulous, it's one of my top favorite moon cake. Waiting to go Taka's moon cake fair. ha.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

6th Sept - 2 birthdays today

Celebrated a friend and mom's birthday today, so had 2 birthday cakes. he he, nice and yummy

Breakfast - 1 pear

Lunch - 1 cabonara + 1 mango milk shake + 1 piece of cake (all shared with Sis S) @ Sukodo. The cabonara is delicious but feel abit oily, Sis S thought it's still alright for her, maybe I scoped a bit too much sauce

The strawberry shortcake from 4 leave is really nice, the cake is really light, won't feel fattening after having it

Dinner - 1 pear + 3 mouthful of long bean (grown by Pa) + 1 piece of cake + 1 piece of chocolate

This is a really very very very extremely nice cake from Yew tee. Damn tasty, everyone should try it. This is from a traditional shop, look around the shops near Yew Tee MRT station and you will find it. They have very nice butter cake as well.

5th Sept - 2nd fitness assement

Today is Lose to Win 2nd fitness assessment

From the 1st assessment till the 2nd which is 6 weeks apart, I have lost around 5.7kg, good job, however, I was expecting at least 6/7 kg. Never mind, will try harder for the next two months

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - 1 yong tau hu soup

Dinner - Celebrated mom's birthday at Clementi "chi char" stall, oily and sinful dinner. But it's a celebration right. Forget to take picture.

Activity - 2km walk, really really fast, was panting and sweating.

4 September - Slacking day

Lunch - Home cooked korean maggie mee with golden mushroom. So nice.

Honestly, I can't remember what I ate last Saturday.

ha, for dinner, should be 1 chocolate milk shake.

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Saturday, September 4, 2010

3 September - Burning

Breakfast - 200ml of soya bean milk + 1 piece of chocolate

Lunch - Yong tau hu from Koufu

Dinner - 1 banana + 5 mouthful of vegetable + 1 chocolate milk shake

Activity - 1 hour of swim

Mood - Bad at night, cause weight increase, i think it's due to the monthly thingy. Anyway, should not feel frustration as it will come down within these few days. Going for a swim again tonight! Have a good day ahead everyone, train is down, so plan your route carefully before it spoil your weekend mood.

Friday, September 3, 2010

2 Sept - Weight increase day

Was out of the office the whole day, met up with 1 of our clients. So we went to Novena - Velocity, bad news, lotsa food. Di di di, danger danger danger.

Breakfast - 1 tuna beancurd skin sushi + 1 crab meat sushi + 250ml of milo

Lunch - Shared 1 popcorn chicken with sis S + 1 really small cha siew bao (Shared) + 1 medium pork bao (Shared) + 1 cup of Gong Cha + Sakae Sushi (Only had 2 pieces of sushi and other sides, total 6 plates, shared)

Dinner - 1 pear + 1 banana + 200ml of soya bean milk

Sinful day, whenever there's somebody beside who can share food with, I will tend to eat more. I am greedy on my side as well, can't help, hormone changes. Water retention and weight increase. I shall blog about this since it's an interesting topic - menstruation.

Anyway, Gong cha taste better than Koi!