Wednesday, September 29, 2010

28 Sept - Gossip

It's a gossipy day, like I told you, I fought with a friend all thanks to Facebook. Sometimes I wonder, with all these advancement in technology, our privacy wall seems to get thinner. People get to know what we are doing when they don't even have to call you, just look at your Facebook and they will know everything. Scary.

Breakfast - Half a glass of milk, not in the best condition today

Lunch - Vegetarian

Was quite angry when I see this little bit of portion given by the auntie after I showed her my Lose to Win stamp card. I'm receiving 1/3 of what the other people are having and I pay the same price. I know I'm on a diet, but look at the picture, only 1/3 of plate is filled up lei. The vegetable are countable. I don't think this is the right way to diet. I may end up buying other food because this is too little. Hpm.. Next time, I am going to show her the stamp card only after I ordered the food.

Dinner - Ate a bit of home cooked food. In fact, I met up with friends to gossip about someone, I din eat with them, cause not feeling so good.

Activity - Rest! My whole body was aching from the Sunday and Monday exercise session.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes gossiping makes life interesting, as long as its not too much

