Thursday, September 16, 2010

15 September - Wobbly legs

Finally finished my Stats assignment, sign, it's taking up a lot of my time to work on these assignments. I better learn how to schedule my time line the next round. Else, I might turn into a dead pig~

Breakfast - Bad memory, lack of sleep, need some time to recall, I think it's a pear

Lunch - Yong tau hu at Koufu, I better stop eating this before getting sick of it

Dinner - Two sushi, believe it or not, dropped one on the floor and left with two to eat. Miserable, my hands were shaking when opening the sushi, too hungry liao.. =S
Came home and ate two pieces of guava

Activity - 1 hour of Lose to Win aerobics, power man, having supper wobbly legs, however, seems to be fine when I woke up this morning

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