Monday, September 20, 2010

17 Sept - A very hungry day

Was really hungry today as we were waiting for Sis S to submit her assignment, only had lunch until 4pm. Moreover, me and Sis L waited at the pool for 45 mins for the lightning to stop, but it didn't. Terrible wait.

Breakfast - 1 pack of milo

Lunch - Lunch @ Ajisen, we shared the food

Quite a nice soft shell crab salad, a bit too salty though

Okomiyaki - look nice but taste awful, we asked the waitress to pack the remains and ask ma to give it to the strays at farm

This is quite nice, I think is because we were too hungry, so everything we ate taste nicer

Then we proceed to Taka for moon cake fest, wow, many many moon cakes. And many many people, wherever I stand, I seem to be blocking people, too huge liao =S

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