Tuesday, April 26, 2011

25th April - Family

It's really essential to have goals & objectives in lives, else, we would be lost for directions, pondering about what to do everyday, living aimlessly.

Some people go to the office and work with no passion and no aims in mind, just hoping to earn a salary for their daily expenses... Well, you can't say that these people have got no goals, their goals could be just to have a family and live like everyone else do...

Having a family is wonderful, they will share with you all your problems and worries whenever you encounter any difficulties... Some people may have family problems such as you can't communicate with your parents/sliblings... But think of it this way, at the end of the day, when you are in deep shit, who will be the first to come to you? Friends or Family? That's why I always tell my friends, try to talk to your parents/sliblings, there will definitely be a way to communicate, just that whether you try hard enough or not...

Sometimes you wonder why your parents/sliblings shout at you, they definitely don't mean it, the reason being is because they are too comfortable with you that they did not notice their attitude....

So, my sisters, please forgive me if I express myself wrongly, I certainly don't mean that way and I really do care about both of you, I am just not very good with expressing myself... But well, I am trying... =)

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 guava

Lunch - 1 bowl of yong tau hu + 2 pcs of kisses chocolate

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 bowl of rice with dishes + 2 portions of fruit salad + 2 pcs of kisses chocolate

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Monday, April 25, 2011

24th April - Time to Chiong my blog updates...

Alamak... Cham liao... So many days to update, wow phiang oei... But it feels GOOD when someone ask you, eh, why are you not updating your blog anymore?

THERE ARE PEOPLE READING MY BLOG!!! woohoo... At least, there's feedback and I hope I'm inspiring some people... he he he


Definitely not the most fluent passage and not the slimmest girl in the world, but just sharing my 2 cents worth of knowledge and 10 months of experience...

Breakfast - 3 pcs of bread with butter + 1 guava + 2 pcs of kisses

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1/2 cup of coffee + 2 pcs of kisses + 2 seeds of durian

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 small bowl of noodles + 1/2 pcs of bread with cheese + 150ml of soya bean milk

Well, I am thinking of migrating my blog to a website, like what Charlotte is doing... But I need some time to think about the website...

I admire Charlotte as she is doing it out of passion.

Honestly (I don't like to lie), I am doing this out of passion as well as to make some bucks out of this, but I just got to sit down and plan... Of course is not to cheat your $$$ la, thinking of getting advertisers to come in... ke ke ke...

Another note:

Why is it that followers of Dua pei gong and Guan ying can accept the existence of Jesus, but minority followers of Jesus cannot accept the existence of Dua pei gong and Guan Ying

Maybe Jesus will be quite mad to know his followers cannot accept Dua pei gong and Guan ying.

All I ask for is respect...

You can share and convey but don't go overboard...

Else, it's very irritating...


23 April - Went temple pray pray

Went to an organic shop at Hougang and to the temple to pray...

Feng Shui is really interesting... Thank you Alton for your time =)

I don't know, I feel that when you talk to someone be it that this person is poor/rich, you should talk to them with sincerity, somehow, they will definitely feel your sincerity and put their trust in you. When they know you are sincere and kind, they won't want to hurt you because they know you are a really nice person and won't bear to hurt you

Am I too naive?...

It could be that I am not working in a large organization where people of all kinds back stab each other, that's why I trust people easily... However, I am not DUMB, I still have my own judgement, OK... ha ha ha

But I choose to believe what I have been believing... because after all, 人之出,性本善。。。

Breakfast - 3 pcs of bread with butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 egg + 1 guava

Lunch - 1 bowl of home cooked noodles + 1 guava + 2 pcs of dark chocolate

Dinner - 1 bowl of pumpkin rice + 1/2 pcs of pineapple + 2 pcs of kisses + 1 sweet potato + 200ml of soya bean milk

Thank you to all my family members for the support, very very very touched...

22nd April - MacRitchie Reservoir - Treetop walk

Went to one of the Meetup sessions by The Singapore Weight Watch Group...

Well, it was a great walk, apart from the MacRitchie trail itself, there are great companies sharing with each other their experiences from all aspects of life. It's always good to meet up with more people, it will open you up and you get to listen/learn things that you will not if you enclose yourself to 1 corner...

Most importantly, these are the people who have the common goal and interest, they will definitely motivate you in 1 way or another...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs of bread with butter + 300ml of soya bean milk

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1 can of 100 plus

Dinner - 1 ice cream cone + 2 pcs of dark chocolate + 1 pcs of bread with butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 sweet potato

Me me me... Again, the smile... priceless

Initially I thought it's just a bridge connected between the trees and it's no big deal, however, when you are standing on that bridge, it feels totally different. There's a sense of achievement and I feel like I'm on the top of the world, everything became so minute that I would be able to conquer all obstacles if I put in 200% effort...

Twinkle at the void deck - Loyal and friendly

Simon at CHIN's place - Loyal but stubborn

Well, listen up, it's important to listen and checkout before you speak...

Another note:

- Thank you Charlotte and Niza for the little talk on the bus, I have gained more knowledge through the conversation

- Thank you Suzanna, Edna, Michelle & Liu Qing for being a wonderful companion along the trek

21st April - Meet up @ Jumbo

he he he... Meeting someone someone someone today... :D :D :D

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya spread + 1/4 pcs of cheese + 1 guava

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + sweet potato + 1 guava

Dinner - Dinner out with friends & someone

+ Kang kong + black pepper crab...

Too much food... became a pain to eat after a while... but still yummy... he he he

The first meetup was comfortable... But I think need to meet up more to know each other more... he he he...


20th April - The long awaited 881

Woohoo, finally the day comes... The long awaited 881...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs of bread with butter + 1 egg + 2 pcs of dark chocolate

Lunch - 1 plate of vegetarian economic rice + 2 pcs of dark chocolate + 2 pcs of kisses chocolate

Dinner - 1/3 bowl of rice with muschroom potato tomato sauce + 2 pcs of bread with cheese + 300ml of soya bean milk

The musical wasn't as great as the movie but all the artists put in their very best to bring out the characters and plot of the show...

A round of applause... Love this, spend some time to listen, very meaningful and encouraging...

Heard "Lion King" is nice... =)

19th April - Just lazing around

Just very tired...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs of bread with butter + 2 pcs of dark chocolate + 150ml of soya bean milk

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1 guava + 2 pcs of dark chocolate + 300ml of fruit juice

Dinner - 1 bowl of pumpkin rice + 1 Herbalife shake + 2 pcs of dark chocolate + 1 mouthful of pumpkin rice + 1 mouthful of porridge + 1/2 pcs of bread with butter

Activity - Jog & Gym

I just want to laze around like what doggy is doing...

18th April - Penang day 2

Kind soul J brought us to the market to have breakfast, stomach quite bloated because of my menses...

The food at Penang were really good, different flavoring and tasting as compared to what SG has. But some food in SG still taste better =)

Breakfast - Shared 1 plate of wanton noodle + 1 bowl of Hokkien mee soup + few pics of Mutabak with sis + 150ml of soya bean milk + 1/2 pcs of chocolate donut + 1 chocolate ice cream cone

Lunch - 1 mouthful of peanut pancake + 1/2 tau sar bao + 1 plate of economic rice

Dinner - 1 bowl of vegetable mushroom soup + 1 seed of durian + 2 pcs of dark chocolate + 300ml of soya bean milk

It's just the start of the war and we are definitely well armed...!!! Just waiting for the general to be READY...


3 very beautiful and well brought up kids... Sorry to say, they are really different from SG kids... Independent, truthful and very adorable...

Unlike those who roll and scream at shopping centres... Headache

So, do we blame the parents or the kids? Definitely the parents because children are like a piece of white paper, they won't know how to roll and scream if parents don't spoil them...! -_-

17th April - Over to Penang

Going over to Penang to seek medication...

I feel so fortunate that there are so many kind souls around helping us all these while, it's definitely not co-incidental that we met these kind people, fate brought us together and we should treasure this relationship... Be it kinship or friendship

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 300ml of soya bean milk

Lunch - 1 6 inch subway + 1 bowl of penang lasak + 3 pcs of fish cracker + 1/2 bowl of bo bo cha cha

Dinner - 200ml of soya bean milk + 1/3 plate of char kuey tiao + 1/2 bowl of almond dessert + 3 cubes of chocolate + 1/2 cup of yogurt drink + shared 1 yogurt ice cream with sis

Kind souls E & J brought us to quite a few places, the beach and 2 other shopping centres, one more uptrend just like paragon (definitely not within my budget range) and one more economical. Didn't have much time to walk around, well, of course the purpose of the trip is not to shop... Just thought of staying at the beach and head straight to Dr Chris's clinic. It's really generous of people when they don't know you and yet go to such extend, it would be difficult for me to express my gratitude through words due to my limited vocabulary, all I can say is THANK YOU...

Well, Dr Chris is really a very kind and sincere person...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

16th April - Packing packing packing

Lotsa packing, shifting, updating to do...

Argh... So many things to be done... Breathe breathe, one thing at a time...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 wheat bread with cheese + 6 grapes

Lunch - 1 plate of vegetarian economic rice + 1 cup of coffee + 1 ferrero rocher + 1 guava

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 pcs of bread with butter + 1 slice of pumpkin

Activity - 1 hour of swim

15th April - Wow finally...

Wow finally...

Presentation over and...

Don't have to keep going to very demoralising place...

It feels good...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with butter + 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/3 pcs of white bread + 1/2 pcs of tau sa biang + 1/2 cup of coffee

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1 chocolate ice cream cone

Dinner - 1 triangle sandwich + 1 super awful fish soup... -_-

14th April - I am so dead

I am so dead, left with like 1 & 1/2 day to do visual proposal for a pitch job...

Diao... Anyway, I just try la hor...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 100ml of soya bean milk + 1/3 oat bar

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1/2 cup of coffee + 1 portion of fruits + 1/3 bar of chocolate

Dinner - 1 pear + 1 Herbalife shake + 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs of bread with butter and cheese + 1/3 pcs of wheat bread with cheese + 3/4 apple + 5 grapes + 5 mouthfuls of tau hua + 1/2 pcs of tau sa biang

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Very very very miserable... I can't find my projector cable, I did not complete the visuals...

But but but!!! The client seems quite keen in our services... Eh eh.... wahahahaha

13th April - Still chionging!!!

Wahahahahhaa... Still haven't complete, I feel like a snail...

Feeling very tired as well...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese & butter + 1 egg

Lunch - 1 plate of vegetarian economic rice + 1 chocolate ice cream cone

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 palm size portion vegetable + 1 kisses chocolate

Activity - 1 hour of swim, feeling very refresh after the swim...

12th April - Chiong ar!!!

Time to chiong all the homeworks... Arghhh, I chiong chiong chiong!!!

Breakfast - 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs of bread with butter + 1/2 pcs of oat bar + 1 egg

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1 strip of kinder blueno

Dinner - 1 bowl of tom yam noodle soup + 1 strip of kinder blueno

11th April - Pray that everything goes well

Super nervous...

Hopefully everything will go well...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pack of soya bean milk + 1/2 portion of tau hua + 2 cubes of dark chocolate

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 5 seeds of durian + 1 pcs of chocolate

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 5 pcs of strawberries + 1/2 bowl of fried rice + 300ml of soya bean milk + 10 pcs of almond nuts + 2 pcs of kisses chocolate

Activity - 4km of jog

Phew, thankful that everything went well... KUDOsssss

Now, we are ready for war....!!!

10th April - A very healthy lunch...

Something very healthy for the day...

You see the changes???

Breakfast - 1pcs of bread with cheese + 150ml of soya bean milk + 7 pcs of strawberry + 1/2 pcs of pear + 1 egg + 2 cubes of kinder blueno

Lunch - Home cooked food + 1 apple + 1 cube of chocolate

Dinner - 1 bowl of soup + 1 palm size portion of vegetable + 1 mandarin orange + 1 pcs of chocolate

Activity - 1 hour of Aerobics

And yes... I'm slowly ditching meat... for...

I am doing my very best...

9th April - The next step has been decided, just waiting

Well, the family has discussed and decided the next step, just waiting for the process, pray that everything will go well...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 300ml of soya bean milk + 3 pcs of 铁蛋

Lunch - 1/4 bowl of rice with meat + 1/2 bowl of tomato noodle soup + 1 plate of economic rice + 2 cubes of kinder blueno chocolate + 1 chocolate ice cream cone

Dinner - 300ml of soya bean milk + 1/4 red bean pancake + 7 pcs of strawberry + 1/2 pcs of bread



8th April - Let's go vegetarian

Well well well, am feeling much better... Still no appetite though

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 mouthful of bread + 200ml of soya bean milk

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 4 pcs of strawberry + 1 kiwi + 1 slice of chocolate cake

Dinner - 4 pcs of strawberry + 1 mandarin orange + 300ml of soya bean milk + 3 pcs of 铁蛋

Activity - 1 hour of Aerobics

I am picking up my courage and learning to accept the truth

The world is not going to stop rotating just because of what had happened, learn to accept it and FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE, move on...!!!

7th April - Super anxious

Gotta get many things done, very anxious...

Scare that tomorrow will come... Just too happening, my heart is too weak to accept the truth

Breakfast - 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 pcs of bread with cheese

Lunch - 1 six inch subway + 1 pcs of cookie

Dinner - Home cooked food + 100ml of soya bean milk

Activity - 1 hour of swim, I seriously need a break to free my mind

Very tired, very lost...

I can't do much, felt so useless

No appetite

6th April - Fogotten

Too tired, can't recall anything... =(

Activity - Jogging

5th April - Just food

Breakfast - 1 bowl of fried bee hoon + 1/4 canola bar

Lunch - Shared 1 plate of duck rice + 1 bowl of yong tau hu soup with sis Lian + 1 cornetto ice cream cone

Dinner - Home cooked food

There's a praying session at home today...

All of us were really worried... I cried miserably... Very grateful and thankful to my friends...

Take a look at the prints of the pants and bag...