Saturday, April 23, 2011

31st March - Just food

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/4 pong biang + 1 cuve of chocolate + 2 eggs

Lunch - 1 6-inch chicken breast sandwich + 1/2 pcs of chocolate cookie + 1/2 pcs of chocolate chip coockie + 5 pcs of shilin chicken + 2 seeds of durian + 1 cube of chocolate

Dinner - 1 pcs of original chicken + 1/4 zinger burger + 1/2 bowl of fried rice + 2 palm size portions of vegetable + 1 cube of chocolate + 1 sweet + 1/2 chocolate cupcake + 1 rect slice of chocolate cake

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

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