Monday, April 25, 2011

17th April - Over to Penang

Going over to Penang to seek medication...

I feel so fortunate that there are so many kind souls around helping us all these while, it's definitely not co-incidental that we met these kind people, fate brought us together and we should treasure this relationship... Be it kinship or friendship

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 300ml of soya bean milk

Lunch - 1 6 inch subway + 1 bowl of penang lasak + 3 pcs of fish cracker + 1/2 bowl of bo bo cha cha

Dinner - 200ml of soya bean milk + 1/3 plate of char kuey tiao + 1/2 bowl of almond dessert + 3 cubes of chocolate + 1/2 cup of yogurt drink + shared 1 yogurt ice cream with sis

Kind souls E & J brought us to quite a few places, the beach and 2 other shopping centres, one more uptrend just like paragon (definitely not within my budget range) and one more economical. Didn't have much time to walk around, well, of course the purpose of the trip is not to shop... Just thought of staying at the beach and head straight to Dr Chris's clinic. It's really generous of people when they don't know you and yet go to such extend, it would be difficult for me to express my gratitude through words due to my limited vocabulary, all I can say is THANK YOU...

Well, Dr Chris is really a very kind and sincere person...

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