Sunday, April 24, 2011

3rd April - Remember to workout within your comfort zone

Went for a near to 5km jog today, wow, super strenuous, I guess I kind of push my body too hard... It's telling me to stop already but I don't listen, keep pushing... One piece of advise for all of you, do workout within your comfort zone, pushing a little bit more is good but if your body is asking to stop but yet you keep pushing, then you might hurt yourself. I read in an article, working out 30mins a day is sufficient for 5 consistent days, but going beyond 30mins a day, you will exhaust your body. Now, I listen to my inner voice and work out within my comfort zone...

I cannot afford to injure myself at this point of my life...

Someone in the family is not well and we have made a 360 degree turn to our lifestyles, but we are all changing for the better and it feels really good... I believe she will be well in time to come, as long as we believe, there's always miracle in life.

And the above should explain why I have not been updating my blog...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 300ml of Anlene milk + 2 cubes of Kinder Blueno + 1/4 slice of BBQ pork slice + 1 slice of chocolate cake

Lunch - 1 bowl of Yong Tau Hu soup + 4 pcs of semi-sweet chocolate

Dinner - 1 bowl of fried rice + vegetable + 3/4 pcs of fish cake + 1 & 1/4 pcs of 五香 + 1 pcs of pork slice + 300ml of soya bean milk + 2 pcs of mushroom chocolate + 3 pcs of semi-sweet chocolate

Activity - 5km of jog

Life is short and unpredictable, don't complain too much, go do what you want to do and make sure you enjoy yourself to the MAX...

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