Saturday, April 23, 2011

2nd Apirl - 清明节

Went praying to ah ma, ah gong and dua bei today, woke up very early and start drizzling, zzz. We waited in the car for near to an hour for the rain to be smaller and for the relatives to come. We are always waiting for them, well, sometimes, we just can't control certain things. Can really feel Dad and Mum sincerity during the pray, I began to think if this tradition will continue forever... I was wondering if I would during 31st March, today at 23rd April, I can give you a definite answer and it's YES.

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread spread with kaya & butter + 1 pcs of bread spread with peanut + 4 cubes of kinder blueno

Lunch - Economic rice + 1/2 Char Siew Bao + 1/4 bar of timeout + 2 cubes of kinder blueno + 1 rabbit sweet

Dinner - 1 bowl of tomato soup + 1 grilled burger from Pastamania + 1 chocolate ice cream cone

Activity - 1 hour of Aerobics

Met up with poly friends, wow, it has been a year since I last saw all of them, so many things have changed... Kinda miss poly days where all I cared about were studies, guys, food and friends...

Well, everyone got to grow up, it's parts and parcels of life

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