Sunday, April 24, 2011

14th April - I am so dead

I am so dead, left with like 1 & 1/2 day to do visual proposal for a pitch job...

Diao... Anyway, I just try la hor...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 100ml of soya bean milk + 1/3 oat bar

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1/2 cup of coffee + 1 portion of fruits + 1/3 bar of chocolate

Dinner - 1 pear + 1 Herbalife shake + 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs of bread with butter and cheese + 1/3 pcs of wheat bread with cheese + 3/4 apple + 5 grapes + 5 mouthfuls of tau hua + 1/2 pcs of tau sa biang

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Very very very miserable... I can't find my projector cable, I did not complete the visuals...

But but but!!! The client seems quite keen in our services... Eh eh.... wahahahaha

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