Monday, April 25, 2011

23 April - Went temple pray pray

Went to an organic shop at Hougang and to the temple to pray...

Feng Shui is really interesting... Thank you Alton for your time =)

I don't know, I feel that when you talk to someone be it that this person is poor/rich, you should talk to them with sincerity, somehow, they will definitely feel your sincerity and put their trust in you. When they know you are sincere and kind, they won't want to hurt you because they know you are a really nice person and won't bear to hurt you

Am I too naive?...

It could be that I am not working in a large organization where people of all kinds back stab each other, that's why I trust people easily... However, I am not DUMB, I still have my own judgement, OK... ha ha ha

But I choose to believe what I have been believing... because after all, 人之出,性本善。。。

Breakfast - 3 pcs of bread with butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 egg + 1 guava

Lunch - 1 bowl of home cooked noodles + 1 guava + 2 pcs of dark chocolate

Dinner - 1 bowl of pumpkin rice + 1/2 pcs of pineapple + 2 pcs of kisses + 1 sweet potato + 200ml of soya bean milk

Thank you to all my family members for the support, very very very touched...

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