Tuesday, August 17, 2010

16 August - Nutrition workshop @ Tampines

Breakfast - 1 chocolate shake with meiji low fat milk

Lunch - Yummy vegetarian fried bee hoon, it's a bit oily, but have craving

Dinner - 500ml of soya bean milk from rochor original, so full after drinking soya. But goes hungry after 2-3 hours. So had half a piece of bread, 1 mouthful of lao po bing and 2 mouthful of chicken pie and few pieces of roasted meat

Activity - Moderate walking

We went to the LtW nutrition working @ Tampines Ntuc and that's so far from home. But the nutritionist did told us some useful information. Look below for some of the tips she mentioned.

1) Try to take low fat milk with high calcium, you can take a look at the nutrition readings at the back of the product

2) For bread, it's good to take wholewheat or high dietary fibre bread as these contain more dietary fibre and lower calories. Dietary fibre helps to smoothen the bowel passing process and brings out the fats in the body after your exercise.

3) Choose high dietary fibre biscuits and take note of the calories count of the snacks you are taking. Because often, people cannot control the amount they take a day.

4) Cooking oil, choose those with unsaturated fats like vegetable oil. As oil with high content of saturated fats will clog up the vessels. And believe it or not 1 teaspoon of oil is already 125 calories. Want to faint when I hear this. No wonder Curry Puff is 600 plus calories.

5) Try to have something light for your dinner and it's best if you have it before 8pm. Because we don't move much after our dinner, therefore, it's good if we don't take in too much food.

6) It's alright for you to take fruits after your meal. I still have doubt about this though.

7) White rice and unpolished rice has the same amount of calories, just that if you take unpolished rice, the sugar content will be lower than the white rice.

8) Drink lotsa water if you are taking food with high dietary fibre

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