Thursday, February 24, 2011

24th Feb - I finally see 6 - Lost 35kg so far!!!

I am so happy that I finally see 6 today!

Though it's 69.9kg, it's still 6, I don't care if it's only 100gram away from 70kg!

First time in my life, I'm experiencing this 6 figure, apart from my childhood days which I don't remember at all. Can you feel my emotion? :D

I'm just thankful for everything. I'm just like 5kg away from my healthy weight range, I will work extremely hard!

23th Feb - Continue pushing!

Went for a meeting, short and sweet. I am pushing really hard...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 150ml of soya bean milk + 1 mouthful of choco cake + 2 pcs of pork floss spring roll + 1 small pcs of cuttlefish + 1 pcs of choco

Lunch - 1 plate of Indian rice (Packed half portion of the rice home) + 200ml of milo + 2 pcs of choco + 2 pcs of chewing gum

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 5 pcs of cashew nut + 100ml of milk + 2 palm size portion of vegetable + 1/2 pcs of fish + 2 pcs of CNY cookie

Activity - 1 hour of Aerobics

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A very nice song, advising you on the perspective of viewing things and happenings.

22 Feb - 看开点吧!

Everything happen for a reason be it good or bad, just try to look at the bright side of life. It's just like you may be wondering why you need to take like 2 weeks to lose 1kg, however, if you did not experience this process, you would not treasure the end result. Being through the process then you realise you must work hard in order not gain that 1kg back. Afterall, you used 2 weeks of hard work to exchange for that 1kg.

Breakfast - 1 pcs of Sushi + 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 small bowl of pasta + 1 pcs of choco + 1 pork floss roll + 1 wafer roll

Lunch - 1 pcs of sweet + 1 bowl of noodle soup + 2 pcs of choco + 2 pcs of chewing gum

Dinner - 1 palm size portion of meat + 1/2 pcs of fish + 1 scope of rice + 2 pcs of mee hoon kueh + 100ml of soya bean milk

Activity - 1 and 1/2 hour of gym

Went to the gym with a male friend, hope he's not bored out by me. woohoo

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

21 Feb - Destroyed

I am totally destroyed, feeling very tired and CUI, there are just so much things to be done. :D

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 4 mouthfuls of pasta + 100ml of milk

Lunch - 1 bowl of yong tau hu soup + 1 pcs of chocolate + 1 small slice of pizza

Dinner part 1 - 1/2 pcs of fried sweet potato + 1 Herbalife shake + 1/4 piece of fish + 2 pcs of CNY goodie

Went for class

Dinner part 2 - 1 palm size portion of vegetable + 100ml of soya bean milk + 1/4 pcs of fish + 1 pcs of kisses choco

Activity - 1 hour of swim

I let out my emotions today, i cried over my work, studies, myself and love matters. I felt much better!

Why am I still not seeing 6? I am panicking...

20th Feb - Another day of fun

Well well well, another bunch of friends came over to my place today, had lotsa fun. Sing, joke, play and laugh around, izzn't life great with good and happy people around you. Anyway, I want announce that I have the best mother in the world, she was in the kitchen whole day preparing food for my friends, I finally understand why she always insisted on preparing food for people who comes to our house. Feel so bad that she wasted her day.

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 egg cake + 1 pcs of chocolate + 1 pcs of CNY cookie

Lunch - 1 plate of duck rice with char siew + 1 pcs of choco + 1 ice cream cone

Dinner - 1 piece of pizza + 2 pcs of chicken drumlet + 1/3 pcs of hotdog + 1 pcs of sotong ball + 3 mouthfuls of pasta, yummy, best food in the world

19th Feb - Fun fun fun!

Had lotsa fun today, my friends came over to my place today and celebrated another friend's birthday, we just fool around till 5am. Tired and CUI

Breakfast - 1 pack of milo

Lunch - 1 bowl of noodle soup

Dinner - 1 pcs of chocolate + 1 pcs of pizza + 1 pcs of KFC chicken + 3 pcs of popcorn chicken + few mouthfuls of smashed potato + 1 small slice of pizza + 1 pcs of CNY cookie

Activity - 2 hours of gym

Monday, February 21, 2011

18th Feb - Shiok to be jogging around the estate

Whee whoo, I jogged around the estate today, super shiok! The stadium adjusted its closing hour to 8:30pm, just too early la. I mean who can actually come back to Jurong all the way from town after work. ?_? Ridiculous, anyway, I did saw some interesting happenings. I saw an uncle talking really loudly on the phone at one of the junctions, I think the whole block can hear him, he sounded really agitated. I thought he was just being angry and scolding non-stop or what. Then I went for another round and saw him at the next junction, he's still scolding loudly on his phone, then I realise he's quite unstable. Oh dear, look, it's really important for us to take care of ourselves and our brains, once it's spoilt, it will be gone forever and will never be the same state again. Let's all treat ourselves better, my dear readers, if there are any. ha ha ha

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + 1 slice of egg cake

Lunch - Lunch at Sakae Sushi, me and Sis S shared 7 coloured plates of sushi + 1 pcs of choco

Dinner - 1 mouthful of bee hoon + 1 mouthful of rice with fish + 1 pcs of choco + 1 pcs of CNY cookie

Activity - 1 hour of jog

17th Feb - Just too much things to be done

I have been reflecting a lot these days as I feel that I have been FB-ing too much and going out with the same group of friends too often. I neglected my sisters (family), my work and my studies. This is really bad...

Breakfast - 60ml of milk + 1 & 1/2 bowl of noodle + 1 pcs of M&M chocolate + 1 pcs of Cadbury chocolate

Lunch - Had a praying session, so had some home cooked food + 1 pcs of kisses chocolate + 1 pcs of chewing gum

Dinner - Feel like having something light, had 1 Herbalife shake + 2 pcs of kisses choco

Activity - 1 hour of swim

16th Feb - It's the season of love

February is the month of love, spread it!

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/4 piece of pizza bread + 1/2 pcs of pork floss stick

Lunch - 1 bowl of noodle soup + 2 pcs of M&M + 1 cube of chocolate

Dinner - 80ml of soya bean milk, I just can't recall what I had, lolx

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Friday, February 18, 2011

15th Feb - Some friends to walk the journey with

I have found this group on the web where people who have lost weight/wanting to lose weight meet up and exercise together, Do take a look, I'm sure you will be able to find lotsa motivation and determination there.

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1/4 pcs of longevity tau sa bao

Lunch - 1 plate of chicken rice + 5 pcs of M&M chocolate + 1 pcs of chewing gum

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 3 pcs of shrimp roll + 1/2 pcs of fish

Went for class, was quite hungry when I reach home,

Dinner part 2 - 1 palm size portion of vegetable + 1/2 pack of milo + 1 chocolate wafer roll

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

15th Feb - There's no shortcuts to losing weight!

I saw this report from Yahoo this morning, please note that there's absolutely no shortcuts to losing weight, adopt the healthier lifestyle and it will definitely last forever, life is short, treat yourself better, don't use $$ to destroy your health.

Online beauty products: The ugly truth

14th Feb - Marriage is not only a 2 person affair!

Attended a friend's solemnization, it was simple and blissful. A joyous and happy occasion where the lovers exchange their vows and rings, something significant that affect the emotions of friends and families in the room. I was really touched as well, that's what I like about attending such events, it makes me feel that "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return" - The moulin rouge. Izzn't it good if you can find someone you really like and like you the same way like you do?

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 80ml of soya bean milk + 1 braised egg

Lunch - Lunch was served over a 8-course meal, eat till very full, but very yummy food from Tung Lok

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 pcs of kisses + 1 pcs of banana slice + 1 chocolate wafer + 1 pcs of fish + 1 pcs of pineapple

Activity - 1 hour of swim, it was a great swim, clearing my mind off the "temptations", I will definitely be able to kick off these pebbles and move on

Oh yeah, by the way, Happy Valentines and Friendship day to you! :D

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fireworks - Katy Perry, a very meaningful song

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in

Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing

Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Katy Perry Firework lyrics found on

Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe-awe-awe"

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on slet your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe-awe-awe

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

13th Feb - My 1st attempt playing tennis, very fun!!!

I had my first attempt playing tennis today, it was really really really fun, I like it alot, just that I would need more more more practise! Whee! Have you tried the game? It's good for burning calories because of the picking up ball part. ha ha ha

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 braised egg + 1 pcs of pork slice (5 by 2 cm)

Lunch - 1 bowl of fish meat bee hoon soup, very clear and simple, nice

Teabreak - 1 pear + 3 pcs of chips + 2 pcs of shrimp roll + 2 pcs of CNY cookies + 1 pcs of eggroll

DInner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1/3 pcs of pork floss stick + 2 pcs of cuttlefish + 1/2 cup of soya bean milk + 1 palm size portion of vegetable

I am going to try beach volleyball and basketball next!!!

Activity - 1 1/2 hour of tennis

12th Feb - River Ang Bao

Went to the River Ang Bao with friends today, I just went NUTs, actually there's nothing fascinating at the river ang bao. But I had a great bunch of friends to fool around with.

Breakfast - 1 cup of soya bean milk

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice

Dinner - 1 cup of soya bean milk + 2 sticks of satay with some rice and cucumber + 1 corn cup + 1 mac ice cream cone + 1 pcs of nugget + 5 pcs of fries + 1/5 portion of green tea

Have you been in touch with your friends recently? I just think that everything change after I slimmed down, I am thankful for everything that's happening.

Activity - 2 hours of gym

11th Feb - It's Friday!

Most people will definitely feel happier on a Friday because you don't have to work for Saturday and Sunday, how about you? I went over to a friend place with sisters to Lou Hei, yummy yummy, super tiring but had some great time catching up with friends. Don't you feel that you feel tired easily when your menses is here? Or is it that I'm getting old?

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs of egg roll + 1 pcs of pork floss stick

Lunch - 1 bowl of yong tau hu + 2 pcs of kisses chocolate + 1/2 pcs of Merci Chocolate

Teabreak - 3 mouthfuls of longevity noodles + 1 pear

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 rabbit sweet

Both the longevity noodles and rabbit sweet are food that are significant to me, what food is significant to you? The longevity noodles remind me of the times when my grandma was around, she would always offer us this during praying sessions. The rabbit sweet reminds me of the time when I was little, my dad would buy packs of these sweets and I just eat non-stop. :D It's just wonderful to be a kid!

Friday, February 11, 2011

10th Feb - Lou Hei and 拜天公!

Went to the shopping mall to shop for my swimming costume and a new sports bra, it's important to have proper exercising attire so that it protects yourself from injury and most importantly, retain skin elasticity. We lou hei today, something significant to the Chinese to mark the start of a good year! Prayed to "天公" in the night for us to have a smooth and sailing year.

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pcs of peanut biscuit + 1 mandarin orange + 1/2 pack of milo

Lunch - 1 plate of duck rice, yummy

Teabreak - 5 pcs of shrimp roll + 3 pcs of tibit + 1 tiny peanut puff + 1/3 pcs of pork floss stick + 1 mandarin orange + 1 pcs of chewing gum

Dinner - 3 pieces of sushi + home cooked food + 4 mouthfuls of yu sheng, yummy

I was too hungry while shopping for my stuffs hence can't resist the temptation of Mummy's cooked food. It's important to note that you definitely need to take some food when you are hungry, else you wait and wait, you become hungrier and you won't be able to control yourself.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

9th Feb - TOO much and I decided to use it less frequently

I think the problem with this FB-ing issue is because all my friends are up there, that's why I feel like logging on to find them. I gotta log in less often and concentrate on my work, this issue has been dragging for too long and I seriously should put a stop to it. Am trying to put my concentration on the other stuffs.

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 2 pcs of CNY cookies + 1/2 pack of milo

Lunch - 1 pack of vegetarian economic rice, left 1/3 portion of the rice + 1 pcs of pork slice (2 by 2cm) + 1 pcs of kisses chocolate

Teabreak - 1/2 pack of milo + 1 braised egg

Dinner - 1/2 Herbalife shake + 2 pcs of seaweed biscuit

Activity - 2 hours of gym, treating my eyes to ice cream, wahhahahaha, many muscular and handsome men there, honestly, sometimes, men with big biceps disgust me. But can't blame them, the concept is same as women who does anything to have hourglass shape figure!

8th Feb - I am using too much Facebook

I hate it when I FB too much, damn, I should just close down my account. I believe I will be able to kick off the bad habit! Helpppp meeeee!!!

Breakfast - 1/2 cup of milo + 1/2 piece of harsh brown + 1/2 portion of Sausage Mcmuffin with egg burger

Lunch - Home cooked dishes with rice + 4 pcs of CNY cookies + 1/2 pack of milo + 1/2 stick of chocolate

Dinner - 1 braised egg + 1 pcs of duck meat + 1 mouthful of rice + 1 herbalife shake + 1 pcs of CNY cookie + 1 pcs of chewing gum + 1 pcs of fish

Activity - 1 hour of brisk walking, jogging and sprinting

I had a good jog today! wwwhhheee

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

7th Feb - I'm behaving like a sick person!

Super tired lor, practically just sleep and eat the whole day, I dislike it this way, feel like I'm wasting a lot of time... Siannnnnnzzzz!!! I promise not to stay up again until I recuperate from my current situation, this is madness!

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 3 pcs of CNY cookies + 1/2 piece of pork floss stick

Lunch - 2 bowls of fried rice + 1 pcs of pork slice (7 by 3cm) + 1/2 pcs of Merci chocolate + 3 slices of duck meat

Dinner - 1 pcs of CNY cookie + 2 mouthfuls of fried rice + 1/2 cup of milo + 1 cup of soya milk

Activity - 1 hour of swim

Shit, someone invaded my mind, I need to clear it off! PUI PUI PUI! I had a great lesson in school today, wheee!

Shit again, everyone is asking me if I got a boyfriend, PUI PUI PUI!

6th Feb - Super shag!

Stayed over the night and feeling super shag... We carried on the schedule of visiting 9 houses, almost dead.... Feeling really tired and terrible, my heart pounding faster and my mind not thinking clearly, this is the aftermath of not sleeping... Not much appetite to eat any food today...

Breakfast - 1/2 pcs of harsh brown + 1 cup of milo + 1/2 portion of burger

Lunch - 1 pcs of chocolate + 6 pcs of CNY cookies + 2 bowls of dessert

Dinner - 1 slice of big Sarpino's pizza

Liking someone is more difficult and tiring than losing weight...

5th Feb - Crazieness with friends

It was a crazy day with friends, went over to a friend's place and played poker and mahjong for the whole night, it was super tiring lor.... ZZZZ, super harmful to the body...

Breakfast - 1/2 pcs of harsh brown + 1/3 portion of Sausage Mcmuffin with egg burger + 1/3 portion of big breakfast + 1/2 pcs of pancake + 1/2 cup of milo

Lunch - No lunch today

Dinner - Had "Zhi Char" with friends + 1 cup of milo + 2 pcs of CNY cookies + 4 slices of mandarin orange

Activity - Need to clear my mind, went for 1 hour of swim...

4th Feb - Family outing!!!

Went watch "The Great World" and "Sentosa Flowers" with family, it has been quite a while since we last had our movie, the show was quite nice though my parents and sisters thought it was only alright. Sentosa Flowers show was quite boring, wahahhaha, not much flowers to view. What I expected was a big area with lotsa flowers, but then...

Breakfast - 1/2 pack of milo + 1 bowl of rice with dishes + 1/2 pcs of merci chocolate + 1 pcs of mushroom chocolate

Lunch - 3 pcs of CNY cookies + 2 pcs of Hello Panda chocolate

Dinner - Shared these 4 meals between the 5 of us at Kim Gary

Activity - 4km of jogging in the morning, it just feels so good to be jogging under a cooling weather. :)

3rd Feb - Happy Chinese New Year to all!!!

Wheeee! Happy CNY to all of you, today was definitely a good day, collecting ang pow, eating and nua-ing at Ah gong's place. Just joking, I treasure more on the time spent on interacting with all my relatives.

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 small slice of pandan cake + 1 pcs of diced candy + 1 mushroom chocolate from Meiji

Lunch - 1 small bowl of bee hoon with noodles with ingredient at home, had another bowl of bee hoon when we reached Ah gong's place + 1 pcs of kueh lapis, super nice

Dinner - Had 2 palm size portion of meat + 3 pcs of CNY cookies + 1 pcs of sushi

No activities today, we should all rest today, if you work extra hard today, it signifies that you will need to work extra hard for the rest of the year. So, just rest! :)

2nd Feb - CNY eve, lotsa cleaning to be done

Lots of cleaning and shopping to be done. Was quite tighted up with work the last few days. Super tiring! Had our family reunion dinner, countdown and went temple visiting with friends. It was really a great great day, wheee! :)

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with cheese + 1 pack of milo + 1 small bowl of bee hoon + 1 chewing gum

Lunch - 1 small bowl of soup + 1 small bowl of bee hoon + 1 small bowl of rice + 1 mac choco cone, whee

Dinner - Steamboat session at home, did not had much as I was quite full after having the choco cone

Activity - 1 hour of swim, you must be thinking I am mad right, CNY eve still go swimming, but it does show how motivated and determined I am right? ha ha ha

1st Feb - Whee, tomorrow is CNY eve

Can you feel it? Tomorrow is CNY eve, really feeling very happy, this is a period where you will see all your relatives and friends, connecting, updating and bonding. :)

Breakfast - 1 bread with cheese + 1 pcs of wang wang biscuit

Lunch - Vegetarian lunch @ NTU, forget to bring phone out today, so no pictures

Dinner - Had a class tonight, had 1/2 portion of Mcspicy burger + 1/2 pack of milo + 2 pcs of CNY cookies

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics, most of us will tend to eat more during festive season, therefore, it's time to pump up the exercising routine.