Tuesday, February 8, 2011

5th Feb - Crazieness with friends

It was a crazy day with friends, went over to a friend's place and played poker and mahjong for the whole night, it was super tiring lor.... ZZZZ, super harmful to the body...

Breakfast - 1/2 pcs of harsh brown + 1/3 portion of Sausage Mcmuffin with egg burger + 1/3 portion of big breakfast + 1/2 pcs of pancake + 1/2 cup of milo

Lunch - No lunch today

Dinner - Had "Zhi Char" with friends + 1 cup of milo + 2 pcs of CNY cookies + 4 slices of mandarin orange

Activity - Need to clear my mind, went for 1 hour of swim...

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