Wednesday, June 15, 2011

10th June - Yeah!!! A total lost of 37kg!

Woohoo, congratulation to myself, it has been 1 year, I posted this on my Facebook.

今天是我减肥的一周年,说快不快,说慢不慢,很感激生边的家人和朋友的支持,我终于做到了。在这一年,我学了很多,尝试了很多不同种类的运动,也经历了很多挫折,但,我都克服了那些难关。瘦了,别人对你的眼光于态度都变了,可是我还是我,独特的我,我的心还是一样,很满足现在的我,健康就是财富。很开心旅程到了终点,也很感伤旅程结束了。But, I believe a new journey awaits me, 加油吧,娟。

I teared today, very thankful for the wonderful experience, it's time to move on. Went to the gynae today, wow phiang oei, it's a male doctor, dot. Moreover, about the same age as me, understand that it's a modern society now, but sometimes, it just feel kinda awkward.

By the way, everything should be fine.

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread + 1 cup of holick

Lunch - 1 bowl of 小碗面

Dinner - 1 ice cream cone

Going to prepare something big tomorrow for my sisters, getting ready...

So, what's the next step? I am planning to build a website offering weight management services and might be selling some stuffs... I won't be updating this blog on a daily basis as I felt that all of you more or less should have a grasp of my diet, but still, I will be posting my food once a week.

Don't worry, I will not be abandoning my blog, just won't be updating it so frequently, things are a bit tight on my side, can't commit daily updates anymore, thanks for all your understanding, do email me if you have any questions regarding weight loss, I would be delighted to answer all your questions~ :D

I may not have hit my 40kg target but I'm contented with what I am and what I have now...

There's nothing I can't achieve now, I am all ready to fight for my life!

Quote of the day - "You will never "find" time for anything. If you want time, you must make it."

Let's move on~

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