Wednesday, June 15, 2011

15th June - My thoughts~

Now that I look different, things are really different, like I mentioned before, everyone look/smile/talk to you differently, I still need some time to adapt to these changes.

Having being ignored/mocked at/sneered at for the last 25 years, being popular because that you are the biggest girl in school. People are popular because they are pretty, slim, having a really good figure, and me being popular because I was big, ha ha ha... Nobody would ever know how I feel unless you rode that same route as me. Some people may tell you, it's all over, you have a new life now, but it's certainly easier to be said than to be done, time is all I need now. Getting ready and accepting a new way of treatment, but my heart is still the same, I will not change, for what I have encountered/experience have laid a strong foundation for my character.

Most importantly, health is wealth, and be contented with who you are today, be it that you are fat, tall, slim or short. I mean what do we have got to lose? At the end of the day, we can't bring anything with us... Imagine to be lying in the coffin and asking yourself, have you live your life to the fullest and do you have any regrets~


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