Monday, June 6, 2011

28th May - Sundown Marathon!!! 10km

The long awaited Sundown marathon is here, woohoo...

Wow sei, my first time running 10km lei, feeling really excited... Very zzz lor, at the beginning of the run, suddenly have the urge to go to toilet and waited for around 10-15mins. Then saw the champion runner running back~ Hiak... !_!

Anyway, it was an enjoyable run, I took my own sweet time and run at my own pace, I did not run throughout, did some short distance brisk walking, don't want to hurt my body, not worth it. I completed the run within 92 mins including the toilet wait, hiak~!!! >.<

Going to try standard chartered 10km at the end of the year!!! whee... Felt so good after the run, almost want to cry liao. I won't even dare of thinking about completing 10km 1 year ago, but look, how things have changed drastically. Saw some bigger people along the run, KUDOs to them! At my current weight, my knees are already hurting, imagine being them...

After all, it's the process and determination that counts, not really the results...

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk

Lunch - Home cooked food + 4 pcs of kisses

Dinner - Shared 1 set of burger king meal with sis L, had 2/3 portion

Happy happy happy~

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