Sunday, June 5, 2011

20th May - Exam mode~!

Ha, oh dear, looks like I need to do quite some update... Seriously, I can't recall much... I will try my best okie!

Exam exam exam, kind of last minute, was busy with some personal stuffs... Got a fright from what happened... Well, hope this will be the first and the last time such things happen... We know better on how to cope now. :D

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 apple

Lunch - 300ml of soya bean milk + 2 sweet potato + 1 bowl of noodle + 5 pcs of nuts & raisins + 1 dried apricot

Dinner - 2 sweet potato + 1/3 bowl of rice with dishes + 1 pcs of nut + 10 raisins + 1 dried apricot + 1 orange + 1 pack of biscuit

Study study study~!

Activity - 2km of jog

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