Friday, May 20, 2011

19th May - 21 days more~ Stay optimistic~

Believe it or not, 21 more days to my weight loss journey 1 year anniversary... The day where I started my goals and objectives...

Meaning I have 21 more days to get rid of the remaining 3.6kg before I hit the big 40kg!!! I'm excited~~~

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 guava (woke up at 3am to study)

Breakfast part 2 - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 papaya + 5 pcs of nuts + 2 dried apricot

Lunch - 1 bowl of noodle soup + 1 portion of fruits rojak (VERY YUMMY~)

Dinner - 1 bowl of noodle soup + 1 orange + 5 pcs of nuts & raisins + 1/3 bowl of noodle

I believe it's important to have optimistic people around you so that your spirit will be liven up, imagine to be facing a pessimistic colleague everyday you reach your workplace. The first thing you hear is complain and still complain, but turn the situation around, having a chirpy colleague greeting you and telling you all the happy stuffs... Your day will definitely be different.

I'm a happy person, even when I am down, I will hide my emotions because I know it will affect the spirit of a group, when one person is feeling down, the whole group will definitely be affected, it's something call aura~

I'm not saying you cannot be sad, but be like a child, rant/complain/cry, do whatever you want to release that emotion and MOVE ON... Smile~

Come to think of it, being angry or unhappy is not beneficial to your body you know, take a look at this article~

I hope by reading my blog helps to lift up your spirit~! :D

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