Monday, May 16, 2011

14th May - Tai Ji Quan & Laughing Yoga

Attended a session of Tai Ji and Laughing Yoga...

Tai Ji Quan is really good, the movements not too tough and it really helps the flow of the air at the surrounding. Towards the end of the session, I farted and it was amazing how I could lift my hands easily into the air... I'm keen to take up more classes, as I feel my mood and mind is much more @ peace

The guy who held the Laughing Yoga session did a great job, a very jovial person. Most of the time, those folks were laughing at his chinese, I guess... But the intention and goals were achieved, why not~ I want to go for his session again... That will be 3 months later...

He mentioned, on average, a child laugh 300 times a day, but an adult only laugh 18 times a day... What happened to the 278 times? Remember to laugh more...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 green apple + 200ml of soya bean milk + 1 sweet potato

Lunch - 1 bowl of brown rice with vegetable + 2 pcs of sweet potato + 1 slice of cake + 1/2 slice of chocolate swiss roll + 1/2 pcs of kueh

Dinner - 1 bowl of brown rice with vegetable + 5 chips + 10 raisins

For your information, 100g of uncooked brown rice is around 380 calories, hence, I guess 1 bowl of brown rice should be around 250 calories which is equivalent to 1 bowl of white rice...

You might be thinking, then what's the difference, it's the sugar level~ More sugar, more carbohydrate turn into fats, less sugar, less fats~ That's why people say if you have got diabetes, eat brown rice, will help to bring down cholesterol level as well~

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