Wednesday, May 18, 2011

17th May - Emo Shit~

Argh... so emo shit today, very vex lei...

Don't want to waste time thinking about unnecessary stuffs, could be that I'm not very well, that's why feeling a bit down as well... KNS... Waste time

Breakfast - 3 pcs of sweet potato + 1 glass of carrot & green apple juice + 1/2 wheat sandwich + 1 pcs of plain white bread

Lunch - 1 plate of vegetarian economic rice + 1 ice cream + 250ml of malt chocolate drink

Dinner - 1 6-inch subway + 1/3 cheesecake + 1 bowl of vegetable

Activity - Rest...

I advise you to stop wasting time on emo-shitty issues, no need to think too much, what will come will come, what will not will never~

Went Guan Yin Ma there to pray for good health and safety

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