Wednesday, May 18, 2011

16th May - Having slight flu

Very weird, just feeling very restless, and having slight flu~ Oh no, I better stay away from Sis S...

Breakfast - 2pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 guava + 5 pcs of almond nuts & raisins + 300ml of soya bean milk + 6 pcs of walnuts & raisins + 1 apple + 4 pcs of bicsuit

Lunch - 2 bowls of rice vermicelli with vegetable

Dinner - 4 pcs of biscuit + 1 bowl of rice vermicelli with vegetable + 4 pcs of kisses + 1 orange + 5 pcs of almond nuts & raisins

Activity - 40 mins of bodybuilding exercises

Very tired~ Sleep sleep sleep~

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