Thursday, May 5, 2011

5th May - Some more abs exercises video

Well, I found these at youtube, will be integrating these exercises as well into my body-building program, just going to interchange the moves on alternate days, you can alter it according to your need.

Well, there are more videos at Youtube, you can always take a look at those different exercises.

These are the measurements,

5th May measurements
Left calf: 42.5cm
Left thigh: 57.5cm
Hip: 98cm
Waist: 75cm
Left arm: 28cm

We shall wait and see the measurements 1 month later. :D

By the way, genetically, I have big bones and frame as compared to some other ladies... Not complaining, just informing... No complains, I'm fortunate enough to be able to do what I want to do and be able to walk around freely without pain.

In life, we don't worry, don't complain, we put in our 200% effort and fate shall decide. If we fail, we reflect and pick ourselves up again. Accept and embrace is the best solution.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, how do you know? U tried before? I'm still monitoring my progress~
