Thursday, May 19, 2011

18th May - Be contented...

I don't know what to say...

Watch this video and look at how others are leading their lives, compare yours with them...

Trailer of Underage from Ohm Phanphiroj on Vimeo

Breakfast - 1 & 1/2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 apple

Lunch - 1 guava + 1 bowl of noodle + 1/2 sweet corn

Dinner - 2 sweet potato + 2 pcs of tau sa phiang + 2 dried apricot + 10 pcs of dried cranberry + 1/2 sweet corn

Slept at 8pm today, was very tired...

And darn, 1 pcs of tau sa phiang is 100 calories~ PUI~ lolx

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