Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10th May - The hungry monster~

Menses here, hiak... Keep feeling hungry~ Eat any amount of food and still don't feel full... wahahahahahaha... Crazy stomach

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter & almond butter + 2 pcs of sweet potato + 300ml of soya bean milk + 200ml of apple & beet root & carrot juice + 3/4 guava

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1 sweet potato + 1 apple

Teabreak - 1 sweet potato + 2 pcs of wheat bread with almond butter + 4 pcs of biscuit

Dinner - 1 plate of economic rice + 1 ice cream cone

Some people tell me, ai yah, nevermind la, just eat what you can eat now, wait till sick then see how.


All I can say is... wait till you are sick and you will REGRET...

It's easier to control your diet now then to wait till you are not well and you can't eat anything~

Be responsible to your body, treat yourself better... Don't torture it~

It doesn't mean the average size people are healthier, when I say this... I am talking about all of you. Be it you are fat, thin, tall, short, yes you, start a healthy lifestyle today, don't be lazy~

Yes YOU!!!

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

A friend of mine is encountering some love problems, all I want to say is... Follow your heart, I believe you have something in mind, just that you are unsure of the direction... Don't be afraid, most important thing is, you must be HAPPY~ :D

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