Monday, May 16, 2011

13th May - Timebre @ Old School

I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere~

Met up with friends over at Timbre for a drink in the evening...


Life is unpredictable...

Atmosphere was great at Timbre except for the super tiny fan and glaring lights~ Drinks and food was definitely great though I had subway... lolx.... But it's certainly a good place for gatherings and such~ But be prepared, you won't be able to connect with friends due to the loud music~

Unless you are with a small group of friends~

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya + 1 guava + 2 pcs of bread with kaya (was too hungry while waiting to go for lunch)

Lunch - 1 yong tau hu soup + 1 apple + 1 slice of papaya + 10 pcs of nuts with raisins + 1 cornetto chocolate ice cream

Dinner - 1 pandan cake + 1 erdinger beer + 1 6-inch subway roasted chicken breast sandwich

Activity - 2km of jog

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