Wednesday, May 4, 2011

4th May - 1 month body building program

I'm starting my 1 month body building program, going to post the before and after photo 1 month later...

Stomach Abs building

- Go down on 4, pull knee to elbow (15 times each side)
- Go into plank pose and hold for 10 sec (3 times)
- Get ready into push up pose and lift hand up (15 times each side)

Slimming down your legs

- Lie side way and life leg (30 times each side)
- Go into circular motion, clockwise & anti-clockwise (15 times)

GoodBye Butterfly arms

- Go on 4, lift your leg and lift one hand with dumbbell (30 times)
- Take a chair and lift your body (30 times)

Toning Calves

- Tip-toe up and down (30 times)
- Sit down, place weights on knee & raise calves up and down

Alright, it's quite saddening when the coach mentioned that if the family genetically has huge calves muscles, it's likely to stay... lolx!!! It's in the genes, but never mind, I'm contented with my calves and will do my very best to make it look more sexy... lolx...

I am experiencing all the different body-building methods but meanwhile will stick with this set, will increase the numbers as time goes by. You might be thinking, wow, this Siao Zar Bo, nothing better to do izzit, want to train till so fit... But look, all of us only live this once, why not try to make the body more perfect, I mean I just wanna try what, cannot meh~ lolx...

On a side note about emotions:
Very often, most people will look at the bad side of a person first, but to me, I will certainly look at the good side of a person. You call me stupid, dumb, naive, whatever, stab me 20 times at my back, I will still smile to you because no point getting agitated, only make your blood pressure go up.

Don't worry, be happy...

开心就笑,不开心就哭 lor


Life is short
Laugh when you are happy and cry when you are sad
Most importantly, you must remember to stand up after the fall

Be like a kid, keep learning, keep falling, keep searching... It's a never ending process...

As long as you are not lying in the coffin, we must always put in 200% effort in everything we do

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