Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3rd May - Kinda embarassing but at least I found out the truth~

Lolx... I did something embarassing again, but at least I found out the truth...

Again, life, as confusing as it can be... For a while, you thought this someone might be a better choice, then you discover something not so good about this person and then... you decide to stay with your original decision.

Who is the right one??? I shall just wait, already told GYM = Guan Yin Ma the problem, she will popi me de, no point thinking so much...

What will come will come, what will not, will not... But I certainly believe I deserve the best. ha ha ha

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 300ml of carrot & beet root & green apple & carrot juice

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1 portion of fruits + 2 pcs of kisses

Dinner - 2 portions of vegetable + 20pcs of cereal + 1/2 pcs of bread + 1 Herbalife shake + 1 portion of fruits + 2 pcs of kisses

Actually, come to think of it, it's true that both of us are busy now, so, no point hurrying right? Just wait la...

I am going to put my focus on my work and exam for now...

Believe it or not, you will certainly know if someone is the right one, it's just a kind of feeling that can't be described...

And yes, I am starting my 6-pack abs program, let's see the result 1 month from today, will post before and after picture 1 month later.

Activity - 2km of jog + body building exercise

I will post on my next post on the body building exercises... he he he

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