Thursday, May 12, 2011

11th May - Did you try hard enough?

Ok, I shall stop preaching for today~ Have a photo to share towards the end of my post.

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 3/4 guava + 1 slice of apple

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1 apple + 1 orange + 1/2 bowl of rice with dishes

Dinner - 2 strawberries + 1 Herbalife shake + 1/2 鸡蛋糕 + 4 pcs of biscuit + 300ml of soya bean milk

It was going to rain and I saw an uncle jogging holding an umbrella... Look, he's trying so hard~ Aren't you going to try as well?

Interesting article, a virus to rewire the brain to eat lesser~

But still, don't be lazy~

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