Monday, May 16, 2011

12th May - Attended a friend's wedding

Collected my new pair of specs today, woohoo, nobody notice it as the shape is the same as the previous pair, but the colour is different.

Attended a friend's wedding, super romantic and touching. The most touching moment was the part when my friend said this, "Pa, Ma, thanks for bringing XXX up, I will take good care of her from today onwards" to his MIL/FIL... awwwwww...

For those in a relationship, you are fortunate that you have found someone who love you the same way you love him/her, therefore, treasure each other as much as you can~

For me, I'm still waiting... Have someone in mind, but... LOLX ?_?

It's more important for me to focus on my exam for now~

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter

Lunch - 1 plate of economic brown rice + 1 sweet potato + 1 guava

Dinner - Food served @ wedding dinner

Activity - 2km of jog + 15mins of body building exercises

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