Thursday, May 5, 2011

4th May - Thor is really good, Be considerate

Watch Thor with sisters today, I would say the movie is really good except for the person who was sitting behind. Super irritating, he keeps moving around and knocked onto my chair, making me giddy...

Can't these people be more considerate? Always put yourself in people shoes before doing any irritating actions. Imagine you are the one receiving these treatments, how would you feel?

And I especially hate it when people are criticizing some other people when they are not that perfect. Imagine someone laughing at you and call you names such as, fattie, shortie, ugly, pimple face, oily hair, ah pui... Come on, take a look at yourself in the mirror first before you laugh at people alright~

In fact, I am quite used to being laughed at because this is a since young never-die treatments I get from people around me. You hear all sort of funny names, you name it, I experience it.

But do we just accept these treatments and stay stagnant and not move on? Definitely not, because, life is about constant improvement and making changes... When you slim down, all the flies come flying around you. People treat you nicer, they smile to you wider, very superficial and I'm really not used to it... What to do, accept and embrace~ It's the beginning of a whole new chapter, the beginning is always tough, but it will definitely be sweet towards the middle and ending.

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with almond butter + 1 sweet potato + 1 portion of fruits

Teabreak - 1 portion of fruits + 1 sweet potato

Lunch - Home cooked food

Teabreak - 1 sweet potato + 3 pcs of wheat biscuit + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 small pcs of bread with almond butter + 1/3 banana

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 3 mouthfuls of red rice with vegetable

Very healthy food these days, well, is because of someone, you know who you are. :D

I feel more peaceful after changing my diet, mouth no longer stink and definitely feeling more calm.

Well, it doesn't mean you have to eat like how I eat, remember, during the last 10 months, I eat like any other human being, is only the 11th month then I made a change.

So, no excuse ok~

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