Wednesday, May 11, 2011

6th May - Meeting @ NTU

Going good, they are following up with us for the other jobs~ hee

I will certainly work very hard for this because it's my life~

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with almond butter + 1/2 green apple

Lunch - 1/2 bowl of yong tau hu soup + 1 pcs of bread with almond butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 guava + 1 carrot + green apple juice

Dinner - 1 bowl of pumpkin rice with dishes + 1 pcs of bread

I'm having PMS, I find it very weird, at this particular period of the month, I'm especially emotional and will think of finding a boyfriend all these kind of stuffs, kind of wasting time. My mood will be super lousy for no reasons. And my thoughts will run from north pole to south pole, all over...

This is very scary and seriously, I can't control it. It must be the hormones~


So, guys, don't blame your girlfriends if they are having their PMS, we don't want it as well, it just happen~ And damn it, it's uncontrollable~

Focus, focus, focus, Juan~

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

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