Monday, June 6, 2011

4th June - Attended a friend church wedding

Woohoo, it's Saturday, but still, going to be flying around again today...

Attended a friend wedding at Bukit Batok, so sweet... How good would it be to find someone who loves you the way you love him... I'm still waiting for mine... hee :D

Met up with a few friends in the evening to celebrate the girls birthday, feeling very fortunate to have them by my side all these years, appreciate it a lot... They are just like angels... Don't fly too high up into the sky hor! :P

Breakfast - 1/2 pcs of bread +1 cup of holick + 1/3 bowl of sunflower seed with raisins + 2 pcs of biscuit

Lunch - I took 2 rounds of catered buffet style food + 1 cup of hot chocolate latte

Dinner - 1 bowl of noodles + 1 bottle of Hoe Garden

Went to one of the night hangouts at One Fullerton... What to say, only one word, superficial... Girls wearing fake lashes, super sexy low cut dresses heading towards clubs and pubs...

I'm talking about myself as well... I'm superficial as well, else, why keep thinking of ways to make myself look nicer... Just that everyone level of superficiality is different, but please do not go beyond the average, else, it's going to be scary...

But still, a joyful day, super tired though

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