Monday, June 6, 2011

2nd June - Hpm...

Went to the north today...

Breakfast - 1 cup of holick + 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1/3 bowl of sunflower seed with raisins

Lunch - Home cooked food + 1 apple

Dinner - 2 sweet potato + 1 cup of milk tea + 2 pcs of sushi + 1/3 bowl of dishes + 200 ml of milk + 1 sweet

The auntie selling milk tea so sweet la... I asked for no ice and she told me there will be an additional of 20 cents, and I agreed... Then she offered me this, how about I put few cubes of ices and you can save your 20 cents?

Auntie so sweet right~ ha ha ha...

These are the little angels I'm referring to... Kind intentions are offered even when all of us are not related...

Activity - 2km of Jog

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