Wednesday, December 29, 2010

28th Dec - If you dare to think about it, you are already halfway there

This is an interesting fact, it applies to everything we do in our lives. The fact is if dare to think about doing something, you are already halfway to your goals. Because it would never be possible if you dare not even think about it. And of course, nothing will happen.

Breakfast - 2 pieces of cookie + 1 herbalife shake + 1 piece of chocolate

Lunch - Economic rice, packed 1/2 portion of the rice home + 2 pieces of chocolate

Dinner - 2 slices of pumpkin + 1 herbalife shake + 1 piece of chocolate + 1 piece of cookie

Activity - 1 hour of brisk walking + jogging + sprinting

In the past, I dare not think of running 10km, therefore, nothing was done. Recently, I signed up for the Sundown 10km and now I'm training for it. Some times, we just need to find some motivating factors that will push us!

Opps, had too many pieces of chocolate today, no regrets and I'm loving it! Just make sure I don't exceed my daily calorie count will do.. he he he

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

27 Dec - Nua

Very "Nua" today...

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + 1 piece of chocolate

Lunch - Bee Hoon Kueh Tiao soup

Dinner - 3 pieces of cookies + few mouthfuls of home cooked food + 1/2 piece of bread + 50ml of milk

Snack - 1 piece of biscuit + 1 orange

Activity - Rest

Just feeling very "Nua", how many of you are on leave? Shiok lei...

Stupid Starhub leaderboard advertisement is super duper irritating. Bad hormones, faster go away.

27 Dec - One of my favourite songs

200 Pound Beauty - Kim Ah Joong - Maria

cha chigum shija-khae
chogum-sshwil ttokob-ke
uhh… turyowo-hajima

pyolchyojin nunape
cho tae-yangi ki-reul bichwo
uhh… chol-tae-momchujima

Maria ave Maria
cho hwim-kurum kkeut-kaji nara
Maria ave Maria
gochin-paddowin sang-gwa-nobshi

cha chigum shija-khae
chogum-sshwil ttokob-ke
uhh… chol-tae-momchujima

Maria ave Maria
cho hwim-kurum kkeut-kaji nara
maria ave maria
gochin-paddowin sang-gwa-nobshi


mamchwo-borin shim-jang chon-chega
koncha-bulsu-ob-shi ttwi-yo-wa

(Repeat 2x) Maria ave Maria
cho hwim-kurum kkeut-kaji nara
Maria ave Maria
chojin-paddowin sang-gwa-nobshi

English Translation
Alright, let’s start now
Little by little, passionately,
Oh~ Don’t be afraid
That road the sun is shining on, is laying outstretched before your eyes

Oh~ Never stop
Maria, Ave Maria
Fly to the end of those white clouds
Maria, Ave Maria
It doesn’t matter if you go through like the waves

It’s laying right before your eyes
Oh~ Never stop
Fly to the end of those white clouds

Monday, December 27, 2010

26th Dec - Happy Boxing Day

I'm sure you unwrapped all your presents before today, right? ha ha ha, who really cares about boxing day, but I'm sure there's a significant meaning to it!

Anyway, lotsa poo today. wahhahaha

Breakfast - 1 piece of cheese with bread + 1 chocolate

Lunch - Home cooked food, got to give my stomach a break if not I think it will claim for MC sooner or later

Dinner - Met up with friends (4 people) and shared these food from Pu Tien, nothing fascinating, I still prefer those "zhi char" stalls food. We shared 1 Jumbo Yummi Yogurt ice cream as well. yum yum

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

2011 is only 4 days away and CNY is around 4 weeks plus away, what's your plan? My menses is here, it's killing me softly... Ginger tea, here I come...

25th Dec - Merry Christmas and happy eating

Merry Christmas!!! My day was filled with joy and laughter, felt quite good I had a good time catching up with friends and family members. Christmas is always so special... I like most of the Christmas songs as they remind me of the days in poly where our choir had to performed for caroling, I will always remember those days...

Breakfast - 1 herbalife shake

Lunch - Buffet at Sakura, yummy! Shall go again with sisters

Dinner - Had dinner at Cousin's friend's place, all fried food, chocolate fondue as dessert. =)

Activity - 4plus km of run in the morning, was panting like hell, it has been a while since I last dealt with the sun

You must be thinking how I cope with my meals for this festive season right? For most of my meals, I will share with the people around me. If I'm going for buffet, I will walk one round and take a look at the food first before deciding what to eat. I'm sure you won't feel like eating everything at the buffet counter right, just take 1 piece of everything, and you will get to taste everything and eat nothing. Also, max out your workout during this period to burn off the extra calories.. ha ha ha.. I guess we just have to work a little bit harder if we have sensitive bodies that have very good absorbing system that caused us to gain weight easily.

24th Dec - Last minute Christmas Shopping

It's Christmas eve, went out for last minute Christmas shopping at Marina Square today, all the gifts shops were so darn crowded. I'm sure you feel a little happier today, don't you?

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese and 1 piece of chocolate

Lunch - Was quite hungry as we had lunch late, bought 1 milk tea from bubble tree and settled at Secret Recipe, their main meals were so so, they are still better at cakes, three of us shared these food.

Dinner - Shared these food from Mr Curry, the food was quite good just that it's a bit too salty...

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Snack - Cookies and chocolate, din count, too many pieces liao. wahhahaa

The doll catching machine business owner must be earning a lot of money. The whole stretch near the cinema are occupied by them. Must be good money... I remember they only had 1 shop when they first started.

Friday, December 24, 2010

23 Dec - It's meat all day

Again, it's all meat today. Can feel my stomach grumbling liao.

Breakfast - 1 piece of my favourite "鸡蛋糕" with cheese + little bit of pig trotters, surprise, the 鸡蛋糕 goes very well with cheese, yummy

Lunch - Steamed up yesterday's food + 1/2 piece of 马蹄酥 + 1 orange

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate

Dinner - 1 herbalife shake + a small piece of 鸡蛋糕 + 2 pieces of pork slice

Don't you just feel happier at this time of the year? I am! =) Anyway, I got my results today, I passed and I think I did quite well. By the way, I'm going for Sundown Marathon 10km next year, anyone keen to join me, sisters and friends?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

22 Dec - It's so cold in the library

It's so cold in the library, yawn, feeling so sleepy. Met up with a friend for lunch, went over to Swenson then realised they have stopped the 1 for 1 promotion. =(

Breakfast - It's "冬至" today, so there's a praying session, had some home cooked noodles! I love scallops!

Lunch - Shared these food with my friend at Swenson, did not finish that piece of chicken, too oily

Dinner - Went home over for dinner, yummy!

What is your new year resolution?

21 Dec - Cookeis and snacks

There are so many packs of cookies and tibits around me. Sis S baked cookies for all of our friends and Sis L bought chocolate and such as she wants to pack it for her colleagues as Christmas gifts. I would be very happy to see a pack of sweets on my desk in the morning. How sweet of Sis L, she left 1 pack for both Sis S and me. =)

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + 1 chocolate cookie

Lunch - Economic rice, packed 1/2 portion of rice home

Dinner - 1 herbalife shake + 1 piece of Ferrero Rocher

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Did you read "Charlie and the Chocolate factory"? Remember Charlie only gets to eat 1 cube of chocolate from his bar? He ate it slowly and preciously, this is the kind of attitude I use when I eat my food these days. Slowly and appreciate the taste and you will find joy.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

20th Dec - I was a Zoombie for the whole day

I was sneezing the whole morning, I guess it was because I did not sleep on Saturday night and I'm staying at the 10th floor, the festive wind is quite strong over here. ha ha ha... I took lemsik max and rested for 2 hours, felt much better after that.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch - Yong Tau Hu Bee Hoon Soup, packed some bee hoon and ingredient home, couldn't finish the whole bowl

Tea break - 1/2 piece of sweet potato + the left over ingredient from the bee hoon soup

Dinner - 1/2 piece of sweet potato + few mouthful of home cooked food

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate + 2 pieces of chocolate cookies, Sis S baked some cookies for Sis L's and my friends, how can I miss that right?

Activity - 1 hour of swim... The water is so cold. Sometimes, I really feel like telling people who swam out of the line or knocked onto me off. Really irritated, the lines are so clear and yet they can just swim like it's their fathers' pool. I admit that I have a very bad temper, but I promise I will tone down for 2011!

Monday, December 20, 2010

19th Dec - Tired

What's the aftermath of a night without sleep? Dehydrated skin and restless mind. It's really very destructive, my whole Sunday was gone.

Breakfast - 1 can of milo + 1 piece of chocolate + 1/2 piece of raisin bread, all of other friends had Macdonalds again... fainted

Lunch - Lunch at Paradise Dynasty, 8 colourful Xiao Long Baos + 1/2 piece of Bao + few mouthfuls of noodles + tea

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 piece of chocolate + 1/2 piece of sweet potato + 1 piece of fried wu xiang + few mouthfuls of vegetarian and pumpkin

Activity - 1 hour of brisk walking + jogging + sprinting

Still very tired... Lolx...

My aunt gave me a pair of sports shoes as a gift when I hit 89kg, I was really touched. This pair of shoes will always remind me of what I went through and my determination must continue! On a side note, please remember to change your running shoes every once in 6 months because the sole of the shoes will be worn out after many times of walking/jogging.

18th Dec - A fun day with friends @ York Hotel

We booked a room with York Hotel months back for our Christmas celebration, we really had a great time. It's a superb hotel, they gave us a free upgrade, we get to enjoy a $850 room but paid only $400! he he he... Very heng. It's really comfortable, you just feel like you are at home, though yes, we are home. lolx, ironic. We made quite some noise but no complains from the management at all, really very shiok.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + 1/3 piece of lao gong bing

Lunch - Believe it or not, my friend was late for 1 1/2 hour, oh god, this is the third time of the year I waited for someone for 1+ hour. I really hope she will kick off this bad habit cause she wasted near to 4 hours as there were 3 people waiting together. I demanded her to treat us so that it will remind her not to be late again. The 4 of us shared these food at Old Town White Coffee.

Dinner - It would be difficult for 14 people to get seats at the restaurant especially on a Saturday night. So, we bought Macdonalds, I had 1/2 portion of the fish burger + 3 nuggets + some fries

Snack - 2 pieces of chocolate + few pieces of tibits

I have a insincere friend, she don't reply to our SMS whenever we ask her out, however, lately, we began to hang out with some guys and she seems more interested to go out with us. There are other incidents that happened and I'm really mad at her. How do you normally handle such friends?

17th Dec - Bye Bye Aunt =(

Went to the airport to send Second Aunt off, my aunt had a tough life, I really hope her children would be filial to her after they finish studying. She really went through a lot, more than what most people would not be able to take. Thankful that she has a big heart.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch - Had lunch really late at around 5pm (Subway 1/3 portion of foot long turkey breast sandwich + few bites of the cookies), couldn't stand the hunger, therefore, had 1 wheat sandwich and few pieces of Macdonalds fries. If you have realise, the food they serve at the Airport are of a higher quality when compared to the neighbourhood branches. The fries tasted just right!

Dinner - Went to meet my friends for Christmas celebration, had 3 pieces of salmon and 1 green tea ice cream. Not much food as I just had lunch at 5pm and the meeting with friends was at 7pm. I was quite hungry when I returned home, ate 1/4 piece of pork slice + few mouthful of home cooked food to curb the hunger.

Had a fun time gift exchanging and crapping with friends. Just that sometimes, it can be quite hard to find activities for a big group of people. Only food can entertain everyone.

16th Dec - Finishing some work

I was busy finishing up some work.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch - Yong tau hu soup at Koufu, packed 1/2 bowl of rice home

Dinner - Met up with family cause Aunt will be leaving tomorrow, had 250ml of Herbalife shake + few pieces of KFC chicken + few pieces of cheese fries + 1 piece of potato spring roll Sis S made

Snack - 1/3 piece of pork slice + 1 piece of chocolate

Activity - Rest

By the way, I'm replacing my shake from Soya Bean milk to Meiji milk again. I still prefer the shake with Meiji milk. =)

CNY is only 2 months away...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

15th Dec - Finally, something light today

Was damn tired when I woke up today, finally have some time to rest and exercise. Have not been exercising the last few days as I was too busy, can feel that my body is at a bad shape. All the junks in my stomach.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + 1/3 piece of lao gong bing

Lunch - Something light, kueh tiao soup + pieces of touhu from the Malay store

Tea break - 1 banana + 1 piece of butter cookie + 1/3 piece of lao gong bing + 1 chewing gum

Dinner - Few mouthfuls of home cooked dishes + 1 Herbalife shake + 1 1/2 piece of chocolate

Activity - 1 hour of swim, shiok!

Did you watch the news? The scientists in Hong kong tested that tibits sold in SG contain ingredients that can trigger the cancer cells in our body! Oh noooo!!! Gotta cut down on chips and snacks, these junks are really harmful to our body, but it's so nice, HOW? Take 5 pieces lor... Anyway, these days, everything is cancerous... ha ha ha... This is just my opinion, don't quote me hor.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

14th Dec - Not having something light today

I should be having something light today right, no no no! lolx. Had another event at ITE East by SMRT. Again, pack pack pack, move move move, walk walk walk. But it was a fun day! We get to enjoy some benefits as well, shhh...

Breakfast - Had little bit of yesterday's KFC chicken + 1 potato wedges + 1/2 piece of nuggets + 1/3 piece of lao gong bing

Lunch - 5 mouthfuls of prawn dried noodles + 3 mouthfuls of japanese katsu rice

Teabreak - 1/2 piece of tuna puff + 1 piece of cream puff + 1 scoop of ice cream

Dinner - Had some home cooked food, yummy.

Din have shake for many days le.. Cham, I better be guai guai today! ha ha ha...

13th Dec - Malaysia, here I come!

Went for a meeting at NTU, after that, head off to Malaysia. Done lotsa shopping and had lotsa nice food! He he he. It feels good to be slimmer, shopping became a joy instead of a chore.

Breakfast - 1 cup of milo + 1 small piece of roti prata + 1 mouthful of ma ti su + lao gong bing

Lunch - 3 of us shared 1 set of KFC (Malaysia) meal, yummy yummy

Tea break - 3 of us shared 1 coffee + 1 donut + 1 yogurt ice cream from JCO(Msia)

Dinner - 3 of us shared some food from Kim Gary, nice, but waited for almost 30mins, maybe that's why the food tasted nicer.

Snack - 2 mouthfuls of Gu cai kueh + 2 mouthfuls of curry puffs + 1 mouthful of mua chi + 2 pieces of chewing gum + 1 small piece of auntie anne bread + 1/3 cup of milk tea + 3 pieces of guava

Activity - Lotsa walking

We bought KFC back for mum and dad to try, we even took a cab from Kranji, the KFC there is so nice! Drool! Anyway, there's a new shopping centre, KSL, we spent almost half of the day at only 2 of the shops. The shopping mall carpark can contain up to 2800 cars, imagine the size. Must go back again! =)