Wednesday, December 15, 2010

14th Dec - Not having something light today

I should be having something light today right, no no no! lolx. Had another event at ITE East by SMRT. Again, pack pack pack, move move move, walk walk walk. But it was a fun day! We get to enjoy some benefits as well, shhh...

Breakfast - Had little bit of yesterday's KFC chicken + 1 potato wedges + 1/2 piece of nuggets + 1/3 piece of lao gong bing

Lunch - 5 mouthfuls of prawn dried noodles + 3 mouthfuls of japanese katsu rice

Teabreak - 1/2 piece of tuna puff + 1 piece of cream puff + 1 scoop of ice cream

Dinner - Had some home cooked food, yummy.

Din have shake for many days le.. Cham, I better be guai guai today! ha ha ha...

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