Wednesday, December 29, 2010

28th Dec - If you dare to think about it, you are already halfway there

This is an interesting fact, it applies to everything we do in our lives. The fact is if dare to think about doing something, you are already halfway to your goals. Because it would never be possible if you dare not even think about it. And of course, nothing will happen.

Breakfast - 2 pieces of cookie + 1 herbalife shake + 1 piece of chocolate

Lunch - Economic rice, packed 1/2 portion of the rice home + 2 pieces of chocolate

Dinner - 2 slices of pumpkin + 1 herbalife shake + 1 piece of chocolate + 1 piece of cookie

Activity - 1 hour of brisk walking + jogging + sprinting

In the past, I dare not think of running 10km, therefore, nothing was done. Recently, I signed up for the Sundown 10km and now I'm training for it. Some times, we just need to find some motivating factors that will push us!

Opps, had too many pieces of chocolate today, no regrets and I'm loving it! Just make sure I don't exceed my daily calorie count will do.. he he he

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