Tuesday, December 21, 2010

20th Dec - I was a Zoombie for the whole day

I was sneezing the whole morning, I guess it was because I did not sleep on Saturday night and I'm staying at the 10th floor, the festive wind is quite strong over here. ha ha ha... I took lemsik max and rested for 2 hours, felt much better after that.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch - Yong Tau Hu Bee Hoon Soup, packed some bee hoon and ingredient home, couldn't finish the whole bowl

Tea break - 1/2 piece of sweet potato + the left over ingredient from the bee hoon soup

Dinner - 1/2 piece of sweet potato + few mouthful of home cooked food

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate + 2 pieces of chocolate cookies, Sis S baked some cookies for Sis L's and my friends, how can I miss that right?

Activity - 1 hour of swim... The water is so cold. Sometimes, I really feel like telling people who swam out of the line or knocked onto me off. Really irritated, the lines are so clear and yet they can just swim like it's their fathers' pool. I admit that I have a very bad temper, but I promise I will tone down for 2011!

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