Monday, December 20, 2010

17th Dec - Bye Bye Aunt =(

Went to the airport to send Second Aunt off, my aunt had a tough life, I really hope her children would be filial to her after they finish studying. She really went through a lot, more than what most people would not be able to take. Thankful that she has a big heart.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch - Had lunch really late at around 5pm (Subway 1/3 portion of foot long turkey breast sandwich + few bites of the cookies), couldn't stand the hunger, therefore, had 1 wheat sandwich and few pieces of Macdonalds fries. If you have realise, the food they serve at the Airport are of a higher quality when compared to the neighbourhood branches. The fries tasted just right!

Dinner - Went to meet my friends for Christmas celebration, had 3 pieces of salmon and 1 green tea ice cream. Not much food as I just had lunch at 5pm and the meeting with friends was at 7pm. I was quite hungry when I returned home, ate 1/4 piece of pork slice + few mouthful of home cooked food to curb the hunger.

Had a fun time gift exchanging and crapping with friends. Just that sometimes, it can be quite hard to find activities for a big group of people. Only food can entertain everyone.

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