Monday, December 6, 2010

2nd Dec - Sis S had an awful day

I almost dialed the buttons to call for ambulance. Poor Sis S, suffered for the whole day, she couldn't sit, stand or lie down. She had two tiny pills the night before to clear off her bowels, usually, she will feel the pain and go to the loo and she will be fine. But TODAY, she went to the loo and the pain don't stop, it kept the stomach churning. Initially, she couldn't even walk to the clinic, mum applied some external medicine to her stomach. She felt better after a while and dragged her foot to the clinic. The doctor said it was because the pills were too strong, hence caused the churning to go on and on.

Look, how fragile our lives are, just 2 tiny pills and Sis S suffered for the whole day. Our lives are precious, please treasure it.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch - Had lunch really late, too hungry liao, ate 1/3 piece of lao po bing and 2/3 portion of kuey tiao + yellow noodles soup

Dinner - Had lesson today, drank 100ml of soya milk in class, came home and mixed the rest of the soya milk to my Herbalife shake.

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate

I have replaced Soya milk with Meiji milk as I have read many reports mentioning that milk is not good for our bones. However, I'm still justifying if this is true. On one hand, nutritionists say we should drink milk to make our bones stronger, on the other hand, scientists researched that milk can only be digested by certain acids in our body, if our body don't supply enough of these acid, the acid will be supplied by the bones to digest milk. Hence, our bones will be lighter.

Let me read up more on these issues, meanwhile, I shall replace milk with soya bean milk. The calories count is about the same and since soya bean milk comes from the beans, it should be safe.

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