Monday, December 27, 2010

26th Dec - Happy Boxing Day

I'm sure you unwrapped all your presents before today, right? ha ha ha, who really cares about boxing day, but I'm sure there's a significant meaning to it!

Anyway, lotsa poo today. wahhahaha

Breakfast - 1 piece of cheese with bread + 1 chocolate

Lunch - Home cooked food, got to give my stomach a break if not I think it will claim for MC sooner or later

Dinner - Met up with friends (4 people) and shared these food from Pu Tien, nothing fascinating, I still prefer those "zhi char" stalls food. We shared 1 Jumbo Yummi Yogurt ice cream as well. yum yum

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

2011 is only 4 days away and CNY is around 4 weeks plus away, what's your plan? My menses is here, it's killing me softly... Ginger tea, here I come...

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