Friday, December 10, 2010

7 Dec - Lousy Lunch

Had a meeting today at Mt Faber Safra, it has been a long time since we last met this client. This project has been delayed for around 5 months, really waited for very long. The client saw me and he looked quite shocked as though he didn't knew me. He asked me if I have lost weight, and I nodded.

In fact, there are neighbours telling us (3 sisters) we have slimmed down as well. Yesterday, Rajar's dad complimented I look healthier and prettier. I still remember there was once when we were in the lift together, at that time, I was still around 80/90kg plus and he asked if I am going for my exercise. I said yes and he encouraged me saying it's good to exercise so that we can keep ourselves fit. It feels really good that people around you are giving you positive feedback.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch - Argh, had a lousy lunch at Tiong Bahru kopitiam. Shared this bowl of tom yam noodle soup with Sis S. Really lousy la. Have to eat something I like if not I will feel unhappy for the day. So I had a chocolate ice cream cone from Mac.

Dinner - Had class today, ate 1 slice of cheese bread from Four leaf and 100ml of soya bean milk. Was quite hungry when I reached home, quickly go for my shake before I start munching the other food.

Activity - Rest

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