Monday, December 20, 2010

18th Dec - A fun day with friends @ York Hotel

We booked a room with York Hotel months back for our Christmas celebration, we really had a great time. It's a superb hotel, they gave us a free upgrade, we get to enjoy a $850 room but paid only $400! he he he... Very heng. It's really comfortable, you just feel like you are at home, though yes, we are home. lolx, ironic. We made quite some noise but no complains from the management at all, really very shiok.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + 1/3 piece of lao gong bing

Lunch - Believe it or not, my friend was late for 1 1/2 hour, oh god, this is the third time of the year I waited for someone for 1+ hour. I really hope she will kick off this bad habit cause she wasted near to 4 hours as there were 3 people waiting together. I demanded her to treat us so that it will remind her not to be late again. The 4 of us shared these food at Old Town White Coffee.

Dinner - It would be difficult for 14 people to get seats at the restaurant especially on a Saturday night. So, we bought Macdonalds, I had 1/2 portion of the fish burger + 3 nuggets + some fries

Snack - 2 pieces of chocolate + few pieces of tibits

I have a insincere friend, she don't reply to our SMS whenever we ask her out, however, lately, we began to hang out with some guys and she seems more interested to go out with us. There are other incidents that happened and I'm really mad at her. How do you normally handle such friends?

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