Friday, May 20, 2011

19th May - 21 days more~ Stay optimistic~

Believe it or not, 21 more days to my weight loss journey 1 year anniversary... The day where I started my goals and objectives...

Meaning I have 21 more days to get rid of the remaining 3.6kg before I hit the big 40kg!!! I'm excited~~~

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 guava (woke up at 3am to study)

Breakfast part 2 - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 papaya + 5 pcs of nuts + 2 dried apricot

Lunch - 1 bowl of noodle soup + 1 portion of fruits rojak (VERY YUMMY~)

Dinner - 1 bowl of noodle soup + 1 orange + 5 pcs of nuts & raisins + 1/3 bowl of noodle

I believe it's important to have optimistic people around you so that your spirit will be liven up, imagine to be facing a pessimistic colleague everyday you reach your workplace. The first thing you hear is complain and still complain, but turn the situation around, having a chirpy colleague greeting you and telling you all the happy stuffs... Your day will definitely be different.

I'm a happy person, even when I am down, I will hide my emotions because I know it will affect the spirit of a group, when one person is feeling down, the whole group will definitely be affected, it's something call aura~

I'm not saying you cannot be sad, but be like a child, rant/complain/cry, do whatever you want to release that emotion and MOVE ON... Smile~

Come to think of it, being angry or unhappy is not beneficial to your body you know, take a look at this article~

I hope by reading my blog helps to lift up your spirit~! :D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

18th May - Be contented...

I don't know what to say...

Watch this video and look at how others are leading their lives, compare yours with them...

Trailer of Underage from Ohm Phanphiroj on Vimeo

Breakfast - 1 & 1/2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 apple

Lunch - 1 guava + 1 bowl of noodle + 1/2 sweet corn

Dinner - 2 sweet potato + 2 pcs of tau sa phiang + 2 dried apricot + 10 pcs of dried cranberry + 1/2 sweet corn

Slept at 8pm today, was very tired...

And darn, 1 pcs of tau sa phiang is 100 calories~ PUI~ lolx

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

17th May - Emo Shit~

Argh... so emo shit today, very vex lei...

Don't want to waste time thinking about unnecessary stuffs, could be that I'm not very well, that's why feeling a bit down as well... KNS... Waste time

Breakfast - 3 pcs of sweet potato + 1 glass of carrot & green apple juice + 1/2 wheat sandwich + 1 pcs of plain white bread

Lunch - 1 plate of vegetarian economic rice + 1 ice cream + 250ml of malt chocolate drink

Dinner - 1 6-inch subway + 1/3 cheesecake + 1 bowl of vegetable

Activity - Rest...

I advise you to stop wasting time on emo-shitty issues, no need to think too much, what will come will come, what will not will never~

Went Guan Yin Ma there to pray for good health and safety

16th May - Having slight flu

Very weird, just feeling very restless, and having slight flu~ Oh no, I better stay away from Sis S...

Breakfast - 2pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 guava + 5 pcs of almond nuts & raisins + 300ml of soya bean milk + 6 pcs of walnuts & raisins + 1 apple + 4 pcs of bicsuit

Lunch - 2 bowls of rice vermicelli with vegetable

Dinner - 4 pcs of biscuit + 1 bowl of rice vermicelli with vegetable + 4 pcs of kisses + 1 orange + 5 pcs of almond nuts & raisins

Activity - 40 mins of bodybuilding exercises

Very tired~ Sleep sleep sleep~

Monday, May 16, 2011

15th May - Slack~

I just slacked for the whole day, don't feel like moving, don't feel like doing anything, don't feel like thinking, just feel like sleeping~ wheeeee

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 guava

Lunch - Home cooked food + 3/4 apple

Dinner - Home cooked food + 4 pcs of kisses + 1 big sweet potato + 1 bowl of very healthy fried noodles + 4 pcs of biscuit

Activity - 1 hour of swim + sleep & sleep & sleep

14th May - Tai Ji Quan & Laughing Yoga

Attended a session of Tai Ji and Laughing Yoga...

Tai Ji Quan is really good, the movements not too tough and it really helps the flow of the air at the surrounding. Towards the end of the session, I farted and it was amazing how I could lift my hands easily into the air... I'm keen to take up more classes, as I feel my mood and mind is much more @ peace

The guy who held the Laughing Yoga session did a great job, a very jovial person. Most of the time, those folks were laughing at his chinese, I guess... But the intention and goals were achieved, why not~ I want to go for his session again... That will be 3 months later...

He mentioned, on average, a child laugh 300 times a day, but an adult only laugh 18 times a day... What happened to the 278 times? Remember to laugh more...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 green apple + 200ml of soya bean milk + 1 sweet potato

Lunch - 1 bowl of brown rice with vegetable + 2 pcs of sweet potato + 1 slice of cake + 1/2 slice of chocolate swiss roll + 1/2 pcs of kueh

Dinner - 1 bowl of brown rice with vegetable + 5 chips + 10 raisins

For your information, 100g of uncooked brown rice is around 380 calories, hence, I guess 1 bowl of brown rice should be around 250 calories which is equivalent to 1 bowl of white rice...

You might be thinking, then what's the difference, it's the sugar level~ More sugar, more carbohydrate turn into fats, less sugar, less fats~ That's why people say if you have got diabetes, eat brown rice, will help to bring down cholesterol level as well~

13th May - Timebre @ Old School

I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere~

Met up with friends over at Timbre for a drink in the evening...


Life is unpredictable...

Atmosphere was great at Timbre except for the super tiny fan and glaring lights~ Drinks and food was definitely great though I had subway... lolx.... But it's certainly a good place for gatherings and such~ But be prepared, you won't be able to connect with friends due to the loud music~

Unless you are with a small group of friends~

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya + 1 guava + 2 pcs of bread with kaya (was too hungry while waiting to go for lunch)

Lunch - 1 yong tau hu soup + 1 apple + 1 slice of papaya + 10 pcs of nuts with raisins + 1 cornetto chocolate ice cream

Dinner - 1 pandan cake + 1 erdinger beer + 1 6-inch subway roasted chicken breast sandwich

Activity - 2km of jog

12th May - Attended a friend's wedding

Collected my new pair of specs today, woohoo, nobody notice it as the shape is the same as the previous pair, but the colour is different.

Attended a friend's wedding, super romantic and touching. The most touching moment was the part when my friend said this, "Pa, Ma, thanks for bringing XXX up, I will take good care of her from today onwards" to his MIL/FIL... awwwwww...

For those in a relationship, you are fortunate that you have found someone who love you the same way you love him/her, therefore, treasure each other as much as you can~

For me, I'm still waiting... Have someone in mind, but... LOLX ?_?

It's more important for me to focus on my exam for now~

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter

Lunch - 1 plate of economic brown rice + 1 sweet potato + 1 guava

Dinner - Food served @ wedding dinner

Activity - 2km of jog + 15mins of body building exercises

Thursday, May 12, 2011

11th May - Did you try hard enough?

Ok, I shall stop preaching for today~ Have a photo to share towards the end of my post.

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 3/4 guava + 1 slice of apple

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1 apple + 1 orange + 1/2 bowl of rice with dishes

Dinner - 2 strawberries + 1 Herbalife shake + 1/2 鸡蛋糕 + 4 pcs of biscuit + 300ml of soya bean milk

It was going to rain and I saw an uncle jogging holding an umbrella... Look, he's trying so hard~ Aren't you going to try as well?

Interesting article, a virus to rewire the brain to eat lesser~

But still, don't be lazy~

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10th May - The hungry monster~

Menses here, hiak... Keep feeling hungry~ Eat any amount of food and still don't feel full... wahahahahahaha... Crazy stomach

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter & almond butter + 2 pcs of sweet potato + 300ml of soya bean milk + 200ml of apple & beet root & carrot juice + 3/4 guava

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1 sweet potato + 1 apple

Teabreak - 1 sweet potato + 2 pcs of wheat bread with almond butter + 4 pcs of biscuit

Dinner - 1 plate of economic rice + 1 ice cream cone

Some people tell me, ai yah, nevermind la, just eat what you can eat now, wait till sick then see how.


All I can say is... wait till you are sick and you will REGRET...

It's easier to control your diet now then to wait till you are not well and you can't eat anything~

Be responsible to your body, treat yourself better... Don't torture it~

It doesn't mean the average size people are healthier, when I say this... I am talking about all of you. Be it you are fat, thin, tall, short, yes you, start a healthy lifestyle today, don't be lazy~

Yes YOU!!!

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

A friend of mine is encountering some love problems, all I want to say is... Follow your heart, I believe you have something in mind, just that you are unsure of the direction... Don't be afraid, most important thing is, you must be HAPPY~ :D

9th May - I simply don't know how to reject~

Was discussing with a friend over how to go about rejecting people... I really don't like this kind of feeling because LET ME TELL YOU, I DEFINITELY KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO BE REJECTED.

I have been rejected all my lives~ Do you really think I don't know how it feels?

To count, I have been rejected at least 11 times~ And I'm a girl lei, imagine a girl to be rejected 11 times by different guys??? ha ha ha... Thank you for the precious experience... Sorta taught me to appreciate people more...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1/2 slice of pandan cake + 3/4 guava + 1/2 bowl of green/red bean

Lunch - 200ml of soya bean milk + 1 sweet potato + home cooked food

Had a hard time chewing the vegetable, too hard liao la... ah juan~

Dinner - 3/4 apple + 1 sweet potato + 1/3 bowl of brown rice with vegetable + 1 plum + 3 strawberries + 1 pcs of wholemeal bread with almond butter + 2 pcs of biscuit

Activity - 1 hour of swim

Something to note, I care about the heart of a person and there's something call frequency, if I feel this person does not have the same frequency as me, it would be very difficult for us to go on because you simply don't understand what I am talking about~ HOW TO???

It's a kind of instinct women have~


8th May - Study study study

I have decided to stay at home and study...

Usually I find it very hard to study from home because of the environment, today, I'm able to concentrate. I think it's because that I'm serious about putting my heart and soul into it.

Sometimes, when you want to do somethings, even Guan Yin Ma (GYM) won't be able to STOP you~ Don't succumb to fate, fight it~ Come on, you live this life so hard and you allow fortune teller/tarot card readers to tell you how you should live? If they tell you, you will die few months later, do you sit by and wait to die or do you fight hard? Would you regret that you did not fight hard enough? Think about this~

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1/2 sweet potato + 3 slices of guava + 2 sweet potato + 3 slices of guava + 3/4 apple + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 bowl of brown rice with vegetable + 2 pcs of biscuit

Lunch - 2 sweet potato + 1 portion of grapes & strawberry + 1 bowl of pumpkin rice + 1 plum

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 2 mouthfuls of pumpkin rice + 3/4 apple

Activity - 1 hour of body building exercises

7th May - Study @ NTU & Election

Exam coming... I remember I used to dread about having to study, do homework, just so lazy, I know that only by studying then can we improve ourselves but never truly put my heart and soul into it.


Then I realise I'm kind of wasting my time if I don't put in my best into my studies, there are some people who want to study but is unable to due to certain reasons and you over here~ Wasting your time like nobody business~

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 pcs of bread with kaya & almond butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 3/4 guava + 3/4 apple

Lunch - 1 chicken sandwich + 1 can of soya bean milk + 1 yong tau hu soup + 1 bowl of brown rice + 2 pcs of kisses chocolate + 200ml of fruit juice

Did not realise it was a public holiday and food court @ NTU was closed, had to buy sandwich from the vending machine, feel like I'm putting poison into my mouth~ eck~

Dinner - 1 bowl of vegetable fishball soup + 1/3 bowl of rice with vegetable + 1 apple

Election is the big hoohaa, nothing much to comment on my side... But I'm simply too ignorant, do I really not have the time or I wasn't serious about the election. I'm quite guilty for being so ignorant because people are risking their lives for this election and I just wasted their chance just like that~

Reflect, reflect, reflect...

Well, look, the government is definitely panicking and it's something good in fact, finally, they are willing to listen to our thoughts~ We are very desperate for your kind attention~ Ah gong~

Activity - 2.4km of jogging

6th May - Meeting @ NTU

Going good, they are following up with us for the other jobs~ hee

I will certainly work very hard for this because it's my life~

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with almond butter + 1/2 green apple

Lunch - 1/2 bowl of yong tau hu soup + 1 pcs of bread with almond butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 guava + 1 carrot + green apple juice

Dinner - 1 bowl of pumpkin rice with dishes + 1 pcs of bread

I'm having PMS, I find it very weird, at this particular period of the month, I'm especially emotional and will think of finding a boyfriend all these kind of stuffs, kind of wasting time. My mood will be super lousy for no reasons. And my thoughts will run from north pole to south pole, all over...

This is very scary and seriously, I can't control it. It must be the hormones~


So, guys, don't blame your girlfriends if they are having their PMS, we don't want it as well, it just happen~ And damn it, it's uncontrollable~

Focus, focus, focus, Juan~

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

5th May - Meetup with the girls~

Met up with my girlfriends to have dinner, discussing about our lives and loves. Well, it was a great session, we haven't had something like this for quite some time. All I can say is, love is blind, but, please, treat yourself better and love yourself.

If you think what you are doing is right, then go ahead, follow your heart, but be rational~

Zoom out of the situation and look things as a whole~

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with almond butter + 1/2 banana

Lunch - Home cooked food + 1 apple

Dinner - 1 bowl of brown rice porridge with dishes + 1 bowl of black fungus soup

My little boyfriend~

Again, the smile, priceless

Activity - 40mins of bodybuilding exercises

Thursday, May 5, 2011

5th May - Some more abs exercises video

Well, I found these at youtube, will be integrating these exercises as well into my body-building program, just going to interchange the moves on alternate days, you can alter it according to your need.

Well, there are more videos at Youtube, you can always take a look at those different exercises.

These are the measurements,

5th May measurements
Left calf: 42.5cm
Left thigh: 57.5cm
Hip: 98cm
Waist: 75cm
Left arm: 28cm

We shall wait and see the measurements 1 month later. :D

By the way, genetically, I have big bones and frame as compared to some other ladies... Not complaining, just informing... No complains, I'm fortunate enough to be able to do what I want to do and be able to walk around freely without pain.

In life, we don't worry, don't complain, we put in our 200% effort and fate shall decide. If we fail, we reflect and pick ourselves up again. Accept and embrace is the best solution.

4th May - Thor is really good, Be considerate

Watch Thor with sisters today, I would say the movie is really good except for the person who was sitting behind. Super irritating, he keeps moving around and knocked onto my chair, making me giddy...

Can't these people be more considerate? Always put yourself in people shoes before doing any irritating actions. Imagine you are the one receiving these treatments, how would you feel?

And I especially hate it when people are criticizing some other people when they are not that perfect. Imagine someone laughing at you and call you names such as, fattie, shortie, ugly, pimple face, oily hair, ah pui... Come on, take a look at yourself in the mirror first before you laugh at people alright~

In fact, I am quite used to being laughed at because this is a since young never-die treatments I get from people around me. You hear all sort of funny names, you name it, I experience it.

But do we just accept these treatments and stay stagnant and not move on? Definitely not, because, life is about constant improvement and making changes... When you slim down, all the flies come flying around you. People treat you nicer, they smile to you wider, very superficial and I'm really not used to it... What to do, accept and embrace~ It's the beginning of a whole new chapter, the beginning is always tough, but it will definitely be sweet towards the middle and ending.

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with almond butter + 1 sweet potato + 1 portion of fruits

Teabreak - 1 portion of fruits + 1 sweet potato

Lunch - Home cooked food

Teabreak - 1 sweet potato + 3 pcs of wheat biscuit + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 small pcs of bread with almond butter + 1/3 banana

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 3 mouthfuls of red rice with vegetable

Very healthy food these days, well, is because of someone, you know who you are. :D

I feel more peaceful after changing my diet, mouth no longer stink and definitely feeling more calm.

Well, it doesn't mean you have to eat like how I eat, remember, during the last 10 months, I eat like any other human being, is only the 11th month then I made a change.

So, no excuse ok~

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

4th May - Whitening of skin tone - Home remedies

I had these black patches over my chest area since last year when I had my trip to Hong Kong, see la, never protect myself...

Have been trying to remove it with all kinds of whitening cream, apparently, it doesn't work at all. Then decided to try natural ways to remove the patches, 2 months ago, I goggled online and found out that by applying lemon juice would help to remove the patches...

And I tried for 1 month, 2 months... The result is simply AMAZING, can throw away your whitening cream liao lor...

Take a look at this...

Sorry ar, got to blurred out my friends faces cause got to protect their identity

Amazing right??? And it's only $1.50 for 3 lemons unlike the $40 per 30ml whitening cream...

Currently, I'm experimenting removing dark eye circle with cucumber, will post the before and after photo when there's result

Meanwhile, looking for natural ways to do facial mask, white/black head removal, etc...

Natural stuffs are simply amazing, it's just that everyone is too busy/lazy to try home remedies...

Whee!!! Remember what they always say, there's no ugly woman in this world, just lazy woman... kua kua kua....

4th May - 1 month body building program

I'm starting my 1 month body building program, going to post the before and after photo 1 month later...

Stomach Abs building

- Go down on 4, pull knee to elbow (15 times each side)
- Go into plank pose and hold for 10 sec (3 times)
- Get ready into push up pose and lift hand up (15 times each side)

Slimming down your legs

- Lie side way and life leg (30 times each side)
- Go into circular motion, clockwise & anti-clockwise (15 times)

GoodBye Butterfly arms

- Go on 4, lift your leg and lift one hand with dumbbell (30 times)
- Take a chair and lift your body (30 times)

Toning Calves

- Tip-toe up and down (30 times)
- Sit down, place weights on knee & raise calves up and down

Alright, it's quite saddening when the coach mentioned that if the family genetically has huge calves muscles, it's likely to stay... lolx!!! It's in the genes, but never mind, I'm contented with my calves and will do my very best to make it look more sexy... lolx...

I am experiencing all the different body-building methods but meanwhile will stick with this set, will increase the numbers as time goes by. You might be thinking, wow, this Siao Zar Bo, nothing better to do izzit, want to train till so fit... But look, all of us only live this once, why not try to make the body more perfect, I mean I just wanna try what, cannot meh~ lolx...

On a side note about emotions:
Very often, most people will look at the bad side of a person first, but to me, I will certainly look at the good side of a person. You call me stupid, dumb, naive, whatever, stab me 20 times at my back, I will still smile to you because no point getting agitated, only make your blood pressure go up.

Don't worry, be happy...

开心就笑,不开心就哭 lor


Life is short
Laugh when you are happy and cry when you are sad
Most importantly, you must remember to stand up after the fall

Be like a kid, keep learning, keep falling, keep searching... It's a never ending process...

As long as you are not lying in the coffin, we must always put in 200% effort in everything we do

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3rd May - Kinda embarassing but at least I found out the truth~

Lolx... I did something embarassing again, but at least I found out the truth...

Again, life, as confusing as it can be... For a while, you thought this someone might be a better choice, then you discover something not so good about this person and then... you decide to stay with your original decision.

Who is the right one??? I shall just wait, already told GYM = Guan Yin Ma the problem, she will popi me de, no point thinking so much...

What will come will come, what will not, will not... But I certainly believe I deserve the best. ha ha ha

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 300ml of carrot & beet root & green apple & carrot juice

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 1 portion of fruits + 2 pcs of kisses

Dinner - 2 portions of vegetable + 20pcs of cereal + 1/2 pcs of bread + 1 Herbalife shake + 1 portion of fruits + 2 pcs of kisses

Actually, come to think of it, it's true that both of us are busy now, so, no point hurrying right? Just wait la...

I am going to put my focus on my work and exam for now...

Believe it or not, you will certainly know if someone is the right one, it's just a kind of feeling that can't be described...

And yes, I am starting my 6-pack abs program, let's see the result 1 month from today, will post before and after picture 1 month later.

Activity - 2km of jog + body building exercise

I will post on my next post on the body building exercises... he he he

2nd May - It's a holi holiday~

Woohoo, holiday, another day of packing to be done...

Breakfast - 2 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + almond butter spread + 1 sweet potato + 5 pcs of cereal

Lunch - Home cooked food + 3 slices of guava + 2 pcs of kisses chocolate + 2 sweet potato + 300ml of soya bean milk

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake + 1 portion of vegetable + 2 pcs of kisses

I'm going vegetarian these days...

Healthy living... Very healthy...

1st May - Birthday celebration!!!

Birthday celebration @ friend's place... woohoo...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1/2 guava + 2 pcs of kisses

Lunch - 1 plate of economic rice + 5 pcs of chips + 1 glass of red wine mixed with juice + 1/2 glass of white wine mixed with orange juice + lotsa tomato

Dinner - 1 bowl of hor fun + 1 pcs of chocolate + 1 mua chi + 1 slice of cake

Human are the most complex animal, when there are more people, there are certainly more problems... I just don't understand why there's something call frequency... Weirdo...


Both men and women are equally confusing...

My first visit to NEX, lotsa food there...

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

30th April - Tennis session~

Had a great tennis session with friends today...

My first tennis session was chui, just couldn't catch hold of the ball, today got more feel... Practise makes perfect

I am ONz for more tennis session, but that's certainly after my exam

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 1 guava

Lunch - 1 small bowl of lei cha + brown rice + curry + 300ml of soya bean milk + 3 pcs of wheat biscuit + 2 pcs of kisses + 1/2 bowl of curry vegetable

Dinner - 1 4.5 inch Quizzino sandwich + 1 ice cream cone

Activity - 1 & 1/2 hour of tennis session

Ok, I am very playful...Don't worry, be happy...

Pack house pack house...


29th April - Another day...

Just another day...

Breakfast - 1 pcs of bread with kaya & butter + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 guava

Lunch - Home made sushi + 2 pcs of dark chocolate

Dinner - Home made sushi + 1 cup of carrot + green apple juice + 1 sweet potato + 1 pack of wheat biscuit

Activity - 2km of jog

Emotions run high, we just got to control it~

Look at this, election is definitely a hot topic now...

28th April - Very professional doctor @ SGH

Very fortunate that we have gotten a very professional doctor at SGH...

Thank you...

Breakfast - 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 pcs of bread with butter & kaya + 5 slices of guava + 2 pcs of dark chocolate

Lunch - Home cooked food

Dinner - 1 plate of economic rice + 300ml of soya bean milk + 1/2 glass of beet root juice

Activity - 2km of jog

27th April - Flying Chillies @ 313

Had a good laugh with friends for dinner... Just a very simple session, great company and good food

Breakfast - 300ml of soya bean milk + 3 slices of guava + 1 bowl of fried bee hoon & noodle + 2 pcs of dark chocolate

Lunch - 300ml of soya bean milk + 1 sweet potato

Dinner - Had dinner with friends at Flying Chillies, the food was so so only... Not much ingredients in both the Tom Yam soup and service crews were too busy, rating - 5 out of 10

And my friend claim that the restaurant used to have a Q in the past...

Activity - 1 hour of swim