Thursday, October 28, 2010

27 Oct - Exciting SMSes

SMSes, gossips gossips, gossips, argue, argue and argue. MSN and Facebook are dangerous applications to use when @ work.

Breakfast - 1 soon kueh

Lunch - Home cooked food

I cooked the cabbage birthday cake that my friends bought for me. ha ha ha

Dinner - Bird food, a bit of here and there. ha ha. 1/2 pack of milo + 2 mouthful of bao + 1 scoop of ice cream + 1 chocolate + 1/4 piece of tau sa biang + 1 mouthful of bee hoon + 1/3 can of 100plus

ha ha ha

Activity - brisk walk + jog + sprint + climbed 10 storey

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

26 Oct - Friendship

It can be really difficult to maintain friendship when 1 party is dishonest, I think this applies to relationship as well. Sigh.

Breakfast - 1 Herbalife Shake

Lunch - 1 Bak Ku Teh soup + Some home cooked food

Dinner - 1 pack of milo + 2 pieces of chocolate + 1 big mouthful of ice cream + some home cooked food

I had dinner at 6.

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics. My butt cheek is still aching from Sunday's walk. ha.

Recently, I am starting to notice those over 100kg people walking past me, I thought of telling them about myself. But I think this will sound very offensive and they will think I am crazy.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

25 Oct - Super bloated stomach

Oh dear, my stomach feels so bloated from Yesterday's steamboat and zi char. I can hear my stomach screaming, "What's wrong with you today? Why so many different kinds of food?" lolx. It's a terrible feeling.

Breakfast - 1 apple

Lunch - Home cooked porridge

Dinner - Few mouthful of vegetable + 1 pack of milo + 2 mouthful of bread

Plan to sleep earlier since my stomach is crying. Look, our body is so vulnerable, any change in diet and we will feel uncomfortable for the whole day. Therefore, we must really plan our meals carefully.

Monday, October 25, 2010

24 Oct - Lose to Win 3rd assessment, final

I have put in my best for today. I have lost a total of 14.5kg since 1st August, a three months journey. I woke up super early because my stomach was grumbling, stomachache, reason for this, I ate two laxative pills as I couldn't poo the last 2 days. I had a terrible day today because of that 2 pills, in fact, I took the pills before, it wasn't so bad the last time. Maybe my menses coming, that's why.

Breakfast - 1 piece of whole wheat bread + 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - Chong Qing steamboat @ Suntec, it's super nice. Go and try it, I like the ma la soup and the sauce a lot. =) No pictures today, he.

Snack - Shared 1 Mac ice cream cone with sisters

Dinner - Zhi char @ ULU place, my dad drove us there, look like little little India. I din eat much because I was still very full from the steamboat food.

I din have much for the steamboat as well, I can feel that my stomach is much smaller now, the portion I'm eating is reduced greatly as compared to the past, it's a good sign. Now I don't have to control myself anymore, I know exactly when to stop! Therefore, to me, I don't set the number of months for losing weight and then go back to my original diet. Instead, I'm adopting a new lifestyle, new way of eating! Look, I'm eating everything I want, I don't deprive myself so that I won't hate this new lifestyle, I'm making sure this new lifestyle continues forever!

Anyway Macdonald stupid Monopoly game is back. I hate it! wahahha, why? Because we had Mac almost everyday during the game period last year, and I gained a lot of weight! Actually I should not be blaming Macdonald since I'm the one in charge of my body. Beware, my friends! =)

23 Oct - Happy birthday to myself!

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to meeee, happy birthday to me. That's my birthday song, ha. I did not take any picture of any food today as I had Sakae Sushi again for lunch and did not had much for dinner.

Breakfast - 1 piece of whole wheat bread + 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - Four of us include my 2 sisters and a friend shared 10 colour plates of food from Sakae Sushi. I love Sushi! =)

Snack - 3 of us shared 1 choco cone from Mac, yummy! Nice shape. ha

Dinner - Did not have much, just a few mouthful of vegetarian food, intended to drink Shake but I was brought to a suprise mini birthday celebration. My sisters and friends arranged to meet up after my swim without me knowing. They made it look like they jus happen to be there and I believed it! They are really good candidates of Star Search! =)

I feel lucky to have my family and friends with me! =) Love them lots! No wishes this year, only resolutions! Wishes are meant to be made come true, we don't sit down there and wait for it to happen. Want anything? Go fight for it. My biggest present for the year is the amount of weight I have lost! Tomorrow is the Lose to Win 3rd assessment and the last day, Jia you! =)

A side note:

Activity - We went kite flying today, we tried really hard to make the kite fly. The process was hilarious, I think we did entertained some people. Some kites flew really high, we only had 30m of string, so it went fairly high. ha. However I learnt something from the experience.

It started to rain after a while, so we quickly pull our kite back, as our string was really short, we managed to pull the kite back before it storms. However, owners of kites that flew really high were still pulling back their kites. So, sometimes, it doesn't mean the higher you go, the better you will be, always beware of the unforeseen events! =)

22 Oct - Eat eat eat!

It's an eat and eat day, tomorrow is my birthday, therefore, had an early celebration, also because Sis L is off today.

Breakfast - 1 whole wheat bread + 1/2 piece of cheese

I used to dislike whole wheat bread as well, I love it now! Just 1 piece is enough for my breakfast! Again, chew it slowly and appreciate it, you will start liking it. It could be the age issue as well, I'm starting to like food that I don't like when I was younger.

Lunch - Sakae Sushi, three of us shared 9 colour plates + 1 red plate, yummy!

Dinner - We shared Shi Lin mee sua + fried chicken + fat xiong dried noodles. Wanted to eat Mac's chco cone, but the person serving the ice cream made the shape of the ice cream looks lousy. So we skipped that. ha. It has been a while since I last had Shi Lin's food. Spicy!

21 Oct - Whee, I'm like a fish

Breakfast - 1 piece of wheat bread + 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - Vegetarian dishes with brown rice from Kopitiam

Looks yummy right? Tasted really yummy as well. I love brown rice, it helps me to sustain from hunger for many hours. I had this at 1pm and lasted till 7pm. Brown rice has got the same amount of calories as white rice, but the sugar content is much lesser. People having diabetes should take brown rice to control the sugar level. Also, it aids in constipation because of the high fibre content, just remember to drink lotsa water. I used to dislike brown rice a lot because I find it yucky, but if you chew it slowly and appreciate it, you will like it too. =)

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake

Activity - 1 hour of swim, bad haze, was coughing and sneezing while swimming, fortunately, the haze is going away soon

Thursday, October 21, 2010

20 Oct - Hungry day

Why why why, why do I keep feeling hungry the whole day. Must be the hormones! =S

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with half a piece of cheese

Lunch - Kueh tiao soup

No picture today, was charging my phone

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake

Snack - 2 pieces of chocolate, 3 slices of guava

Activity - Went out to meet a friend, was intending to go for a swim. Last 5 days till the 3rd assessment. Weight keep going up and down, frustrating. ha ha. But I have been through this stage many times. I know I can conquer it.

19 Oct - Can't finish

Hai, it's really difficult to work in a group. Some people can be really irresponsible. Gosh.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with half a piece of cheese

Lunch - Kuey tiao soup

Snack - 3 scoops of ice cream, cravings

Dinner - Some home cooked food

Activity - 1 hour of jog, oh no, misty weather, really bad for our lungs, scream

18 Oct - My muscles need to rest

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with half a piece of cheese

Lunch - Vegetarian at Kopitiam, food is quite nice

Dinner - Some home cooked food

Activity - Resting day

Snack - Suddenly feel like drinking milk tea, bought 1 cup and share with sisters

Tiring day, meetings and lotsa homework to complete

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

17 Oct - Lost memories

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with half a piece of cheese

Lunch - Hor fun from the coffee shop downstairs

Activity - 1 hour of aerobic with Lose to Win

Dinner - Few mouthful of dried noodles + few mouthful of soup

Snack - I think i ate 1 or 2 pieces of chocolate, menses coming, craving is here too

16 Oct - Lost memories

Oh dear, I have forgotten what I ate on 16 Oct - Saturday except for lunch, spare me, need to complete some work. Therefore, don't have much time to blog.

This is my lunch

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Saturday, October 16, 2010

15 oct - Happening day

It's a super happening day. Firstly, my hard disk got weird noise, secondly, I saw a disgusting child-like behaviour friend, and lastly one of my websites got technical fault! Arghhh... Anyway, it's ok, just need to take some time to resolve the issues. It's Friday and I am confused over what to eat. I think most people have the urge to spend more on food/shopping on Fridays. I'm like that too!

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread + half a piece of cheese

Lunch - Three of us shared these food @ Kopitiam

The very expensive economic rice, $6.50

Dinner - Home cooked food, a little bit of rice with vegetable

Activity - 1 hour of swim, crowded pool

*Note: I apologise for my poor command of English, grammars are used wrongly, etc. But I have been trying my best to make it sound proper.

Friday, October 15, 2010

14 Oct - Not much food today

Wasn't feeling very good today, so did not eat much.

Breakfast - Half a piece of bao + 2 mouthfuls of traditional rice kueh

Lunch - Half a pack of economic rice

Sorry, the picture is quite ugly. ha

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate

Activity - Rest

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

13 Oct - 10 more days, life changing decision

10 more days and it's Lose to Win 3rd assessment, it's also going to be a life changing decision day. Woosh! My birthday is on the 23rd of Oct and 3rd assessment on 24th Oct! =)

Breakfast - Half hot dog bun + half a piece of bread with 1/4 of cheese

Lunch - Home cooked! Yummy!

Dinner - 1 Herbalife vanilla shake + strawberry milk powder, full! I can't eat bao today again, hopefully won't dream of bao tonight.

Activity - 1 hour of intensive aerobic, was feeling giddy during the aerobic session. Was it the toughness or I'm hungry? I think it's both.

13 Oct - Nothing is impossible

Look at this, amazing, my newly adapted lifestyle seems much easier than Liu Wei's dream.

12 Oct - Day by day

Life, sec by sec, min by min, hour by hour, week by week, month by month, year by year. It's amazing right? There was a praying session today, so lotsa food again. When burning the paper money, I kept wondering if Grandma really receive it. By the way, I'm sleeping better last night.

Breakfast - Home cooked fried bee hoon + fried mee

Lunch - Half a bowl of ba ku tueh + 1/3 bowl of rice and dishes

Look, it's really hard to resist right? How? ha, I don't eat everything on the table instead I just pick the food I like to eat. The concept is the same when you go for buffets or parties, just choose what you like to eat. If you would like to taste everything, take a really small portion. Like what the Italian do, taste everything eat nothing! =)

Dinner - 1 cup of soya bean milk + 1 mouthful of bee hoon + 1 mouthful of mee

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Monday, October 11, 2010

11 oct - I hit 20kg today!

Wahahahahhaa! I hit 20kg today, congratulation to myself. I will work harder for the next targeted 5kg! Jia you, jia you, jia you

Look at my super cute looking but super aggressive dog!

11 oct - Meetings + Sushi

Yummy yummy, I love sushi, I like meetings but I'm super tired after my meeting. I have not been sleeping well for the past few nights, I don't know why. I used to be able to fall asleep within 5mins, these days, I took around 30mins - 1hour, could it be that I'm getting older?

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread + 1/2 piece of cheese + 1/3 pack of milo

Lunch - Sushi sushi @ Sakae sushi! Had lunch late at 2:30pm cause of the meeting. Hungryyyy. Me and Sis S shared these food.

Dinner - Some home cooked food

Activity - Need some rest, a bit tired today :)

10 oct - Super chiong

Ops, I forget to bring my phone out again, so, no photos today. It was a day where all my energy were used up and many many calories burnt

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with half a piece of cheese + 1 ferrero rocher

Lunch - 1 plate of hor fun + chendol (share with 3 person), super full, I also don't know why, it feels like I just had buffet, I got a tiny stomach now

Dinner - 1 and 1/2 cup of soya bean milk, the lunch lasted me till dinner, I guess it could be the effect of the coconut that was added in the chendol

Activity - Super chiong, 2 hours of badminton + 1 hour of Lose to win aerobics session, panting... But shiok!

9 oct - super slack

I did nothing much today, slacking around. I'm sure there are days where you feel like doing nothing. Right?

Breakfast - 1/2 cup of soya bean milk

Lunch - Yong tau hu

Dinner - Home cooked black fungus soup, had half a bowl of it, yummy! My favourite

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Saturday, October 9, 2010

9 Oct - Why I have failed - Part 1

I have decided to blog about why I have failed to achieve my desired weight since young. A little bit of history, I grew up in a Kampong where my parents have to farm and it was my grandparents who were looking after me. I was really happy back then and had lotsa fun, no worries about weight, food and money. Whenever, someone see us (me and my sisters), they will say, "wow, all three of you look so cute, round round" and they will give us sweets and food. I was never taught how to count calories until I was around 16.

1) During my primary school days, I was enrolled into TAF (Trim and Fit - Inverted FAT) club, look, even the name of club is humiliating us. I was told that I am overweight, so we have to skip recess and go exercise while the other kids are happily enjoying eating at the canteen. I kept wondering, why why why, why am I different from others. It's like I always have to be the one who is working harder than others. And I remember the reason was because I was overweight. Then they tell you how many servings of fruits, meat, rice you should eat. Then, they tell you, you cannot eat too much sweet, bla bla bla. However, this was not reinforced when I got home. See, I don't get to eat during recess, I end up going back home eating more. Worst! ha. My weight was 96kg when I was primary 6 (12 years old), height, 162cm. Believe it or not. Usually, people are ranked 1st and 2nd academically, for me, is my weight.

2) In my secondary school days, again, I was admitted in the "FAT" club. Again, we cannot eat during recess time, we have to run continuously for 30 mins at the school hall everyday. During PE lessons, we have to run 2.4km, and after class, we have to stay back to attend the TAF club sessions, again, we were made to run 2.4km under the super hot sun. Imagine, how many KM I am running a day? I know it's for our own benefit. But running too much can be really bad from the knees, especially when I am 80/90 plus kg. Imagine the impact. They never taught us to eat lesser, they just made us exercise non-stop. The process was simply torturing though I loss some weight and made it to 74kg. But it made me not wanting to exercise (especially jogging/running) after I graduate! Alright, maybe they did taught us about our eating habit, but, I don't remember that was the focus of the program.

To be continued...

8 Oct - Swensen - Food

Today was a foody day.

Breakfast - 1 small piece of banana cake + 1 piece of cookie + half a cup of milk + 1 piece of Geisha chocolate

Lunch - Shared these food with Sis S and Sis L at Swensen. The portion wasn't alot but I get what I want to eat and it's enough. It doesn't mean you are on diet and you can't eat this this this that that that. Compare 2 options 1)1 big bowl of oats + 1 cup of milk, 2)Half a plate of spaghetti. Since you are on diet, you will definitely choose the first option, but you have to ask yourself, do you really want to eat this? If that half a plate of spaghetti can make you happier for the rest of the day, just eat that, since the calories count is about the same. Also, if you set up a diet plan of eating only oats for lunch/dinner for like 3 months, are you sure you won't fall into the binging stage after these 3 months? You deprive yourself of chocolate, ice cream and tibits, in the end, you will end up eating more.

Initially when I started this slimming down plan, I cooked steam vegetable, cabbage soup, I skip carbohydrate, I don't eat snacks. Soon, I got sick of all these, cause, I cannot eat the food I want. I deprive myself of what my body need/want and I really feel like dying. Until I read up more on the internet and books then I realise, this shouldn't be the way.

Tomato meatball spaghetti

Fried chicken + fries, super oily

Ah bean ice cream cone coated with chocolate, taste weird, the plain one is good enough

Dinner - 1 cup of milo + half a cup of milk

Activity - 1 hour of swim, super crowded pool. Bought a swimming cap today, ha, my head is like a float now.

Friday, October 8, 2010

7 Oct - Photos, hiak

As requested, my herbalife coach sent me the photos taken when I was 105.1kg. I opened the file and got a shock. Overwhelmed with emotions, both happy and sad. I'm happy that I took the first step into this slimming process, sad that I used to be too comfortable that I did not realise I am 105.1kg. Horrified by myself. I really thank my aunt and family members for waking me up!

Breakfast - 1 tiny piece of butter cake

Lunch - Kuey chap from Kopitiam

Dinner - Some home cooked food + half a cup of milk

Snack - 3 cookies from Sis S's friend place

Activity - Did nothing, need to rest

I will definitely post my before and after photos with my face when I am ready as I really want to encourage people who are over a 100kg to take out their courage and conquer their first step!

6 Oct - My brain is sick

Oh dear, I dreamt of me eating 1 extra piece of food and my weight increase. Terrible dream. Why that dream? Simply because the Lose to Win 3rd assessment is near, that's why the unconscious stress. But it's funny. ha

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with half a piece of cheese

Lunch - Vegetarian from Kopitiam

Dinner - 1 herbalife chocolate shake

Activity - 1 hour of swim, we almost miss the swim because it was raining, luckily, not storming =)

5 Oct - Click, click, click

Brunch - Yong tau hu soup from Koufu

Dinner - Some home cooked food

Activity - I went jogging, I tried something new today. I brisk walk for 30s, jog for 30s and sprint for 30s for 2.4km. This was what the coach at Lose to Win taught us. Was panting and sweating.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

4 Oct - You want cheap and quality work? Dream on

You can't have both cheap and quality stuffs. I mean how to? If you are requesting something of quality, you should be expected to pay. Don't forget people need the extra man hour and effort to make the product/service you are requesting. Sometimes, I really wonder what these people are thinking.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with half a piece of cheese

Lunch - Duck rice

Dinner - 1 apple + half a pack of "bee bee" tibits + 2 pieces of chocolate + few mouthful of bread

Activity - 1 hour of swim

Update - 19 days more to lose to win 3rd assessment, cheer on!

Monday, October 4, 2010

3 Oct - Happy birthday, my little cousin

Attended my little cousin birthday celebration today. He is so cute! There was a spread of food at the celebration and it's really difficult to decide what to eat. I practised advises given by the book "Taste everything, eat nothing". I took a tiny piece of everything from the spread.

Breakfast - Half a cup of milk + 1 apple struddel from Ritz, not as nice as the Ronaldo one, but cannot find Ronaldo anymore, where are you?

Lunch - Da da

I like the both the toufu and roasted chicken, yummy.

Dinner - 2 pieces of toufu from lunch and half a cup of milk

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

I need to achieve inner peace so that I don't sink myself into those senseless mood swing or emotions. I should do something alone to achieve such inner peace. =)

2nd Oct - I dyed my hair

Bought Liese hair dye, platinum beige, but the colour turns out to be quite different. Turned out to be honey orangy brown.

Breakfast - half a cup of milk

Lunch - Had lunch earlier than usual, around 11:30am, pig organ soup from koufu, yummy. I am starting to enjoy my meal so that I don't go around eating tibits after my meal

Dinner - Was quite full, not sure why, could be because lunch was all about meat and took longer to digest. So, I did not have much, had half a cup of milk only.

Activity - 1 hour of aerobic, intended to go to the gym but thought we can go tomorrow (Sunday) instead.

Tips of the day - Eat like an Italian. The book I'm reading is really good, I always feel very motivated after 1 chapter and it brings me out of my senseless thoughts.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

1st Oct - Do you really want to eat this?

Now, I have a new strategy, I will ask myself three times, "Do you really want to eat this" and if the answer is YES, I will eat it. If the answer is "Ok, alright, don't really have to have this", then I will eat it next time when the craving comes. Like what I tweeted, quality vs quantity.

Went shopping with Siss today, walk around, eat around. ha, we went back to Shokudo. All the food we ordered were great, except for the Mango Ice Kachang. Yucks, the mango toppings were slightly black.

Nice salad, but both Siss thought it was alright only.

Very nice cabonara, the sauce was thicker than the previous time we had this

Something new! Wasabi chicken

There, the yucky mango ice

Dinner - Met up with friends but did not eat with them, was still quite full, because only finished lunch at 4pm. Went home at around 12 plus, had half a cup of milk as stomach was calling for help. ha.

Nice place, but a bit hot and noisy