Saturday, October 9, 2010

9 Oct - Why I have failed - Part 1

I have decided to blog about why I have failed to achieve my desired weight since young. A little bit of history, I grew up in a Kampong where my parents have to farm and it was my grandparents who were looking after me. I was really happy back then and had lotsa fun, no worries about weight, food and money. Whenever, someone see us (me and my sisters), they will say, "wow, all three of you look so cute, round round" and they will give us sweets and food. I was never taught how to count calories until I was around 16.

1) During my primary school days, I was enrolled into TAF (Trim and Fit - Inverted FAT) club, look, even the name of club is humiliating us. I was told that I am overweight, so we have to skip recess and go exercise while the other kids are happily enjoying eating at the canteen. I kept wondering, why why why, why am I different from others. It's like I always have to be the one who is working harder than others. And I remember the reason was because I was overweight. Then they tell you how many servings of fruits, meat, rice you should eat. Then, they tell you, you cannot eat too much sweet, bla bla bla. However, this was not reinforced when I got home. See, I don't get to eat during recess, I end up going back home eating more. Worst! ha. My weight was 96kg when I was primary 6 (12 years old), height, 162cm. Believe it or not. Usually, people are ranked 1st and 2nd academically, for me, is my weight.

2) In my secondary school days, again, I was admitted in the "FAT" club. Again, we cannot eat during recess time, we have to run continuously for 30 mins at the school hall everyday. During PE lessons, we have to run 2.4km, and after class, we have to stay back to attend the TAF club sessions, again, we were made to run 2.4km under the super hot sun. Imagine, how many KM I am running a day? I know it's for our own benefit. But running too much can be really bad from the knees, especially when I am 80/90 plus kg. Imagine the impact. They never taught us to eat lesser, they just made us exercise non-stop. The process was simply torturing though I loss some weight and made it to 74kg. But it made me not wanting to exercise (especially jogging/running) after I graduate! Alright, maybe they did taught us about our eating habit, but, I don't remember that was the focus of the program.

To be continued...

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