Saturday, October 9, 2010

8 Oct - Swensen - Food

Today was a foody day.

Breakfast - 1 small piece of banana cake + 1 piece of cookie + half a cup of milk + 1 piece of Geisha chocolate

Lunch - Shared these food with Sis S and Sis L at Swensen. The portion wasn't alot but I get what I want to eat and it's enough. It doesn't mean you are on diet and you can't eat this this this that that that. Compare 2 options 1)1 big bowl of oats + 1 cup of milk, 2)Half a plate of spaghetti. Since you are on diet, you will definitely choose the first option, but you have to ask yourself, do you really want to eat this? If that half a plate of spaghetti can make you happier for the rest of the day, just eat that, since the calories count is about the same. Also, if you set up a diet plan of eating only oats for lunch/dinner for like 3 months, are you sure you won't fall into the binging stage after these 3 months? You deprive yourself of chocolate, ice cream and tibits, in the end, you will end up eating more.

Initially when I started this slimming down plan, I cooked steam vegetable, cabbage soup, I skip carbohydrate, I don't eat snacks. Soon, I got sick of all these, cause, I cannot eat the food I want. I deprive myself of what my body need/want and I really feel like dying. Until I read up more on the internet and books then I realise, this shouldn't be the way.

Tomato meatball spaghetti

Fried chicken + fries, super oily

Ah bean ice cream cone coated with chocolate, taste weird, the plain one is good enough

Dinner - 1 cup of milo + half a cup of milk

Activity - 1 hour of swim, super crowded pool. Bought a swimming cap today, ha, my head is like a float now.

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