Friday, October 8, 2010

7 Oct - Photos, hiak

As requested, my herbalife coach sent me the photos taken when I was 105.1kg. I opened the file and got a shock. Overwhelmed with emotions, both happy and sad. I'm happy that I took the first step into this slimming process, sad that I used to be too comfortable that I did not realise I am 105.1kg. Horrified by myself. I really thank my aunt and family members for waking me up!

Breakfast - 1 tiny piece of butter cake

Lunch - Kuey chap from Kopitiam

Dinner - Some home cooked food + half a cup of milk

Snack - 3 cookies from Sis S's friend place

Activity - Did nothing, need to rest

I will definitely post my before and after photos with my face when I am ready as I really want to encourage people who are over a 100kg to take out their courage and conquer their first step!

1 comment:

  1. wha, ur first paragraph is very touching lei...sob sob..

    Very happy for u, keep it up!

