Monday, October 25, 2010

23 Oct - Happy birthday to myself!

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to meeee, happy birthday to me. That's my birthday song, ha. I did not take any picture of any food today as I had Sakae Sushi again for lunch and did not had much for dinner.

Breakfast - 1 piece of whole wheat bread + 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - Four of us include my 2 sisters and a friend shared 10 colour plates of food from Sakae Sushi. I love Sushi! =)

Snack - 3 of us shared 1 choco cone from Mac, yummy! Nice shape. ha

Dinner - Did not have much, just a few mouthful of vegetarian food, intended to drink Shake but I was brought to a suprise mini birthday celebration. My sisters and friends arranged to meet up after my swim without me knowing. They made it look like they jus happen to be there and I believed it! They are really good candidates of Star Search! =)

I feel lucky to have my family and friends with me! =) Love them lots! No wishes this year, only resolutions! Wishes are meant to be made come true, we don't sit down there and wait for it to happen. Want anything? Go fight for it. My biggest present for the year is the amount of weight I have lost! Tomorrow is the Lose to Win 3rd assessment and the last day, Jia you! =)

A side note:

Activity - We went kite flying today, we tried really hard to make the kite fly. The process was hilarious, I think we did entertained some people. Some kites flew really high, we only had 30m of string, so it went fairly high. ha. However I learnt something from the experience.

It started to rain after a while, so we quickly pull our kite back, as our string was really short, we managed to pull the kite back before it storms. However, owners of kites that flew really high were still pulling back their kites. So, sometimes, it doesn't mean the higher you go, the better you will be, always beware of the unforeseen events! =)

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