Tuesday, November 30, 2010

29th Nov - Light meals for the day

Still feel like having something light especially when today is Monday! Ke ke

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese + 1/2 piece of lao po bing from Hong Kong + 1 nougat from Australia + 1/3 piece of pineapple tart

You see, my aunt and uncle came back from different places and they bought food for us. Definitely have to try it since it's air flown from different countries!

Lunch - Kuey Tiao soup

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake blend with banana + 1 mouthful of sugar roll + 5 pieces of papaya + 1 small piece of bread with cheese

I was feeling hungry at around 10pm because I had the shake at 6pm, therefore, I ate some fruits and bread to abstain from hunger!

Activity - Rest

Monday, November 29, 2010

28th Nov - Feeling the aftermath

And what's the aftermath of a day of good food? ha ha ha... A a slight stomach upset, I think it's because it had been a while since I last had so much food. Looks like my stomach is adapting well to my healthier way of eating.. It's making a complain that I threw rubbish in yesterday.. wahhaha... Just feel like having something light today

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch - Had craving for cheese fries again, ate 5 pieces and pinch a little bit of fried chicken + 1 Herbalife shake

Snack - 2 pieces of chocolate + 1 piece of famous amous cookie

Dinner - Had dinner outside with family as aunt is back! =) I reduced the portion greatly as I wasn't feeling very hungry, moreover, my stomach wasn't feeling very good

Activity - 1 and 1/2 hour of gym

27th Nov - It's all about food

Today was all about food! lolx... Met up with a few friends, practically, we only eat and "nua" for the whole day.... A tiring but fun day~

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - Dim Sum at Tung Lok

Teatime - 1 huge chocolate ice cream cone from Mac

Dinner - Crab feast at Ang Mo Kio

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

What a feast I had today, all the good food. There were about 6 of us sharing these food, I did not eat alot, I just had a few mouthful of every dish and that's enough to fill me up. =)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

26 Nov - Many things to be done

There are simply too many things to be done but I'm feeling really lazy and tired. It's going to be a busy weekend!

Breakfast - 2 mouthful of chocolate chip muffin + 1/2 cup of coffee + 1 piece of bread with cheese. I had the bread before I went for my swim and came back feeling a little hungry and consumed the muffin and coffee

Lunch - Vegetarian, packed 1/2 pack of brown rice back home, the dishes are quite oily

Dinner - 300ml of Herbalife shake blend with Banana + few pieces of fish + 1/2 piece of egg yolk + 1/2 piece of fried chicken roll

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate

Activity - 1 hour of swim

25th Nov - Judgement day

My lecturer was very sweet, she sent us an email yesterday wishing us all the best! She's really professional and passionate unlike my stupid economic lecturer, he's just so dumb... Anyway, I arrived 1 hour earlier at the examination hall, I didn't expect myself to be so early, I dislike the feeling. Everyone beside me are reading their notes and asking their friends about formulas and such. They are messing up my thoughts! Can't blame them la, it's me who's abnormal. But I just can't absorb anything when it's only 1 hour to the exam. While attempting the paper, I thought we are suppose to complete 5 questions but only at my 3rd question then I realise we only have to do 4 questions and I'm left with 1 hour to deal with the last question. Super blur me! First of all, wrong exam dates, secondly, wrong assumption.. Miserable, it just shows how much I dislike studying.

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with cheese

Lunch + Dinner - Had a really late lunch, was waiting for Sis S. While waiting, I had 1 siew mai + 1 fried chicken seaweed roll + 1 mouthful of cheese hotdog, then I "dong" until 4pm and we shared the below food with my another sister. Food from Shokudo, not as good as the last time I had it. The noodles and the bread was good! Oh yeah, before Shokudo, we shared 1 herbal jelly milk tea from BUBBLE TREE @ Marina Square, so nice! You should try it if you are a fan of Milk tea!

Snack - 2 pieces of chocolate + 1 mouthful of herbal tea leaf egg

Activity - Walk and shop, tiring day but fruitful

24th Nov - Nervous

I admit I'm pretty lousy, just an exam can make my heart pound for the whole day. There was once when this lady read either my palm or my face and she mentioned I am someone who gets really nervous easily and this is really true. But I think many of my friends din know cause I always appear to be quite calm. lolx....

Breakfast - 1 soon kueh

Lunch - 1 bowl of bee hoon soto, quite spicy, forgot that I shouldn't eat spicy food since the paper is tomorrow

Dinner - Had black fungus soup

Activity - Rest, weak pounding heart, slept earlier to calm myself down

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate

Friday, November 26, 2010

23 Nov - Change of location - Study Room

With a computer and internet connection around, it's doom! There's no way I can concentrate on my books. Therefore, I decided to isolate myself and hide at the community centre. Thank you for not having power socket and free wireless network. Ha ha ha! But I wonder if the study room would still exist 10 years later.

Look at the morning glory, it's smiling to you, it will be a good day!

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with 1/2 piece of cheese, had a tough time cutting the cheese

Lunch - Economic rice, I packed 1/2 portion of the white rice back home. In case you wonder, the leftover usually end up in the stray dogs stomach

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake

Snack - 2 pieces of chocolate

Activity - Wanted to jog but was raining so did 1 hour of aerobics

22 Nov - Boring day at the library

It was a boring day at the library alone. Sister S joined me after she finished her paper, she's as free as a bird now, so envious. Wanted to have lunch at the Kopitiam but was too crowded, no kind souls willing to share their table with me. Upset! Have to pack my food back to the eating area outside the library. The weather is killing me softly, was hoping to be able to drink the delicious Tom Yam Soup under the nice air-con. But then....

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - Tom yam soup, ate 1/2 of it only, packed the other 1/2 home, nicey

Dinner - Forgotten, ops

Snack - A few pieces of chocolate, =)

Activity - 1 hour of swim, cold weather... brreeee

21 Nov - Pizza and Cheese Fries

I was craving for western food yesterday when we were at Universal Studio. Look, we went USS, but we din get to eat any western food, so disappointed. Sigh... Anyway, my sisters and I went to the food paradise NTU for Canadian Pizza! Yippee, has been dying to try it

Breakfast + Lunch - Canadian Pizza, 3 of us shared these food! The Singapura Pizza was delicious!

Dinner - 10 cheese fries, 1 Herbalife shake, 1 piece of chocolate + 2 peanut M&N chocolate, Yummy!

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Monday, November 22, 2010

20 Nov - Universal Studio Singapore

Not knowing where I'm going, I woke up exactly at 6:30am, dress up, off I go to meet my friends. But they were late for 50mins, sigh, why would they bear to let me wait??? Anyway, we head off to Universal Studio Singapore, it was real fun, you won't feel like you are in Singapore. It's the America style, buildings, structure, people, food all are wonderful!!! Everyone should GO!!! The price is definitely worth the fun and quality of service was simply fabulous!

Breakfast - 1 wheat sandwich, I left another for my friend. Nice! Surprisingly, it's only 150cal

Lunch - Chicken rice set (shared this with a friend), my legs almost broke, I Q for at least 40mins for this!

Dinner - Shared noodle and dumpling with a friend

Activity - Lotsa walking and waiting, I believe I have burnt at least 300 calories, I was so tired until I went straight to the bathroom and then to my bed when I reached home...

Thank you my dear friends for such a wonderful birthday gift! The rides scare the hell out of me!

19 Nov - 25KG

WOOOHOOO, I hit 25kg today and I'm seeing 7 on my weighing scale! So happy!

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - Vegetarian lunch

Dinner - 1 Herbalife shake

Activity - 1 hour of swim

Gotta wake up earlier tomorrow, going out with my friends, but not sure where, I suppose it to be a surprise birthday gift... Woohooo! Cheer me on for my next 5 kg! =)

Friday, November 19, 2010

18 Nov - Something light

As you know, yesterday was all about fast food, so, the oily and sickening remains in the stomach till today. Had light meals for the whole day... Feeling really good!

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with half a piece of cheese

Lunch - Kueh tiao soup, forget to take picture lei... ha ha ha... was little bit hungry and getting obsessed with foody

Dinner - 1 herbalife shake + 1 slice of fish cake

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate

Sister brought back tau sa piang today, but I din eat it, I shall eat it for Breakfast tomorrow morning. Oh yeah, I tweeted this a few days back. Health promotion board launched a calorie counter program for mobile phones called the "Diet Tracker". Using this, you will be able to check food information wherever you are! http://www.hpb.gov.sg/diettracker/ - I have download it and thought it is pretty cool and informative.

Activity - 1 hour of brisk walking + jogging + sprinting

I saw a lady who is around my size when I was jogging, maybe a little bit bigger than me. It looked so painful from behind, I think she wasn't enjoying the jog at all. For myself, I brisked walk and jog lightly when I was heavier. As mentioned, the amount of pressure on our knees is around 40 times our weight if we make a leap, it can be really hurtful for the knees. I don't really recommend jogging all the way, look at some of the runner athletes, most of them have knee or back injuries, that's because they exerted too much pressure on their body. There are many exercises that can burn much more calories than jogging. For example, aerobics, swimming, etc and I believe these exercises are much more enjoyable than jogging! =)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

17th Nov - Fast food day

It's all about fast food today! Very sinful day, ha ha ha.

Breakfast - Mac's breakfast - 1/3 piece of sausage Mcmuffin with egg + 1/3 piece of harshbrown + 300ml of milo + 1 slip of coffee

Lunch - 1 piece of bread with 1 piece of cheese + 1 piece of chocolate

Dinner - KFC, my sister showed me a piece of KFC brochure when she was tidying up the house. Made me salivate the whole day.. craving for fried chicken. I had 1/2 cup of Pepsi + 1/3 piece of rosta burger + 2/3 smashed potato + around 1 piece of drumstick

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Lately, I kept seeing people who laughed at me before. And these people, they became rounder and uglier. At this stage of my weight loss journey, somehow, I realised everything happens for a reason be it good or bad. Looking back at past photos and videos, I was reminded of how "round" I used to be. Being ignorance and irresponsible to your own body/health is something to be ashamed of. Think about this, family and friends around you are super worried and you still think you love being yourself? Put yourself in their shoes. For example, you see your loved one smoking, how you wish for him/her to stop smoking, well, this applies to you as well, won't your family and friends want to see you lead a healthier lifestyle? It's the attitude that counts. Let's continue to move forward!

16 Nov - North South East West

I went to almost all parts of Singapore today, from Jurong to Chinese Garden to Lavendar to Bishan and back to Jurong! =)

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with 1/2 piece of cheese

Lunch - Xiao wan mian... yummy, I ate 1/3 portion of the dried noodles and finished the soup. Packed 2/3 of the noodles back home.

Dinner - Had 300 ml of Herbalife milke shake + 1 mouthful of bread + 3 mouthfuls of black fungus with meat + 1/2 piece of cheese

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate

Activity - Rest

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

15 Nov - Feeling tired

Just feeling really tired after studying for the last 7 days straight. Gosh....

Breakfast - 1 piece of bread with 1/2 piece of cheese + 1 chipsmore biscuit

Lunch - I shared pig organ soup and trotters my sister, we packed 1/2 bowl of rice and 1/3 bowl of the noodle back home... Yummy! Had 1 mouthful of cheese muffin

Dinner - Had 3 mouthfuls of rice + 1 piece of fish cake + 5 mouthfuls of vegetable

Oh, did I mention my parents were farmers? So, the vegetable we ate were all planted and grown by my parents! Yummy, it tasted really different from those sold outside. ke ke.. Feeling fortunate.

Snack - 2 pieces of chocolate =)

Activity - 1 hour of swim, cold

Monday, November 15, 2010

14 Nov - Biggest joke!

I think this is the biggest joke of the year, I thought my exam is tomorrow but when I check again, it's on the 25th. For the last 7 days, I was either at the library or NTU preparing for my exam and now I got to wait for another 10 more days. However, it feels good now that I know I have more time for my paper.

Look at the number of people queuing to go into the library. All of them dashed to the study corner when the gate is only half way up. I was quite shocked to see this. I mean, nobody snatch to let up their seats in MRT for an elderly. Sigh. But I believe there are still some kind souls around.

Breakfast - Ate 2/3 piece of the roti prata + 1/3 cup of coffee + 1 and a 1/2 piece of siew mai. The prata don't taste as nice as before, standard drop.

Lunch - Shared tom yam hand made noodles and a macondald chocolate coated ice cream cone with my sister. Sis complained to me that the woman beside us looked at us at least 5-6 times when we shared that ice cream cone. That woman even took a look at my body when we went off. Not to blame her la, I mean, seldom got people share ice cream cone right, but this is our habit, we are so used to sharing. I remember when we were young, my mother brought us to this coffee shop and have lunch, I think we shared the food because we were not very hungry, then this uncle offered us some money for us to buy some extra food, probably, he thinks we look very pitiful. ha... But we look chubby what, pitiful meh.. lolx

Dinner - 1 herbalife shake + 1 small piece of fish

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate

Activity - 1 hour of aerobics

Oh yah, I am encountering spotting after exercising. I was pretty worried at first but felt much relieved after googling around. Some people mentioned their doctors told them it's nothing to worry about. I will check out with the doctor when I go for my check up! =)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

13 Nov - NTU is paradise

For those studying full-time, you should feel really fortunate, you have really big schools with superb facilities. We went to NTU today, it's like paradise. They have Macdonals, Canadian pizza, Food court, Western food restaurant, Old Chang Kee, Subway and Sakae Sushi and plenty of tables and chairs for studying. Look at my school, only 1 building... nothing much... =S.. Anyway, nothing to complain about, everything happened for a reason, I had to study part time and it made me realise it's because I did not work hard when I was in sec sch and poly, a life long lesson learnt.

Breakfast - Shared soon kueh, zhui kueh, jiu chen kuey, roti prata and hokkien mee with my other 2 sisters. We packed 1/2 of the hokkien mee home.

Lunch - Din eat lunch, was still quite full

Snack - 2 pieces of chocolate and 1 piece of chipmores chocolate biscuit, shared coffee with sister

Dinner - Had sakae sushi, 2 person shared 6 plates of food and 1 Macdonalds' ice cream cone. =)

Activity - Rest day. =)

12 Nov - Cravings

It's Friday and yes, cravings again. Most people would want to have better food during Friday and weekend, it's a way to comfort ourselves that the week is ending and it's time to reward ourselves since we worked hard the entire week.

Breakfast - Toast set at Banquet, Jurong point library, but I did not finish the whole set, I shared the coffee and toast with my sister, as for the half-boiled egg, I requested the sweet lady to help me prepare 1 half-boiled and another hard-boiled. Initially she refused, but I suggested to her to put the egg longer in the hot water and she agreed. =)
The hard-boiled egg ends up in Happy's and Lucky's stomachs. ha

Lunch - I guess all of you should know Swenson has got 1 for 1 lunch right, so we went and ordered 2 set meals, but we did not finish the set, we packed 2/3 portion of the burger set and brought it home. Yummy!

Dinner - 1 mouthful of the burger we brought home, 1 mouthful of bo lo bun and 300 ml of Herbalife shake

Snack - 1 piece of chocolate

Activity - 1 hour of brisk walking, jogging and sprinting